Video: Why You Shouldn’t Hesitate to Be the Bearer of Bad News
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Organizations Leadership Mar 5, 2018

Video: Why You Shouldn’t Hesitate to Be the Bearer of Bad News

Organizations that practice transparency have more leeway to learn and evolve.

a team listens to one member.

laflor via iStock

Based on insights from

Eli J. Finkel

Andrew Swinand

In an age of increasing information transparency, building organizational cultures of trust is more important than ever. Because let’s face it, if there is bad news, it is not going to be a secret for long. Keeping employees in the loop—and hearing their concerns—can increase employee dedication, retention, and productivity.

Andrew Swinand, CEO of Leo Burnett, North America, explains how regularly listening to employees by taking their “pulse” builds transparency throughout your organization.

Eli Finkel, a professor of management and organizations at the Kellogg School and a professor of psychology at Northwestern, describes how we build and maintain trust toward brands. It turns out, once we have gotten to know a brand, we are more likely to trust its advertising.

The Trust Project is a unique body of knowledge, connecting scholars and executives from diverse backgrounds to share ideas, research, and actionable insights in a series of videos for research and management. Learn more about the project and its development in conjunction with the Kellogg Markets and Customers Initiative.

Featured Faculty

Professor of Psychology, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences; Professor of Management & Organizations

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