Podcast: Steering Clear of Financial Crises
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Finance & Accounting Apr 6, 2015

Podcast: Steering Clear of Financial Crises

Research into the causes of boom and bust cycles in real estate can guide investors.

real estate tied up in a bow

Yevgenia Nayberg

Listening: Insight In Person - Steering Clear of Financial Crises
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This month, Insight In Person looks at the relationship between financial crises and real estate markets, from housing bubbles to complex loans to commercial real estate ventures.

Charles Nathanson, an assistant professor of finance at the Kellogg School, discusses two studies that help explain how house pricing errors and land speculation contribute to housing bubbles.

Craig Furfine, a clinical professor of finance at the Kellogg School, discusses a striking correlation between the complexity of commercial mortgage-backed securities and the performance of the loans that make them up.

David Cocagne, an adjunct professor of real estate at the Kellogg School and the CEO of Vermilion Development, and William Bennett, an adjunct professor at the Kellogg School and founder of Level Office Management, join the podcast to share the strategies developers use to mitigate risk in a boom-and-bust market.

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