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Demand for nurses outpaces supply, which can be bad for patients.
April 4, 2017

What Happens to Patient Care When There Are Not Enough Nurses?

The impact can be significant, especially in nursing homes.

The AHCA vs ACA: Here are the differences
March 13, 2017

A Healthcare Policy Expert on Four Key Differences Between the ACA and the AHCA

Craig Garthwaite explains how the GOP proposal could impact patients, insurers, and hospitals.

An uninsured person struggles to pay for hospital care.
January 5, 2017

Under the ACA, the Cost of Caring for the Uninsured Decreased for Hospitals

The benefit has come only in states that expanded Medicaid.

A man waits on a clock's hand
December 2, 2016

Is There a Better Way to Allocate Organs to Transplant Patients?

Two ideas for changing a system where people linger on waitlists while kidneys spoil.

A person watches direct-to-consumer TV drug advertising.
December 2, 2016

The Hidden Benefits of TV Drug Ads

Patients and taxpayers benefit from controversial direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising.

Medical device startups receive tips for entrepreneurs on designing for the environment.
June 6, 2016

Can Your Invention Take the Heat?

An infant HIV test offers lessons for entrepreneurs designing for tough conditions.

Healthcare professionals try to diagnose why healthcare spending has slowed.
February 1, 2016

Why Healthcare Spending Has Slowed

Is the Affordable Care Act getting too much credit?

June 22, 2015

Who Bears the Cost of the Uninsured? Nonprofit Hospitals.

When governments do not provide health insurance, hospitals must provide it instead.

May 1, 2015

Collaborating to Save Lives

For an integrated healthcare organization, culture is the key to operational efficiency.

June 4, 2012

When Hospitals Turn Away Ambulances

Uncovering flaws in a policy intended to prevent ER overcrowding

June 4, 2012

How Poverty Damages Health

Anti-poverty programs boost recipients’ well-being

March 5, 2012

Patients, Pricing, and Prescription Drugs

Maximizing social benefit from the Medicaid drug program

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