Brayden King
Max McGraw Chair in Management and the Environment; Professor of Management & Organizations
What Drives Corporate Activism?
When companies take a public stance on contentious social issues, the impetus often comes from within.
Researchers: Anna McKean and Brayden King
January 1, 2025
Why Firms Should Lean into Sustainability
“If companies don’t change, then they won’t exist in the future.”
Researchers: Brayden King and Klaus Weber
November 13, 2024
Take 5: Doing Business in a Warming Climate
What should leaders understand about sustainability? A collection of the latest research and ideas from Kellogg faculty.
Researchers: Jacopo Ponticelli, Aaron Yoon, Brayden King, Adam Waytz and Meghan Busse
October 30, 2024
The Unlikely Partners Growing the Market for Green Energy
The relationship between environmental activists and “dirty” energy companies can be contentious, but it can also benefit both sides.
Researchers: Ion Bogdan Vasi and Brayden King
September 10, 2024
Yoga Classes? On-Site Childcare? Firms Just Outside the Fortune 500 Work Hard to Attract Talent.
To compete with their prestigious peers, these organizations invest more in employees, research shows.
Researchers: Tanya Y. Tian, Brayden King and Edward (Ned) Smith
December 1, 2023
How Activism-Inspired Roles like “Sustainability Manager” Emerge and Evolve
First, these new positions are held by activists themselves. Over time, this changes.
Researchers: Grace Augustine and Brayden King
May 1, 2023
Hoping to Drive Social Change at Work? Here’s a Tip.
Certain social movement hashtags and labels could turn off the allies you want to recruit.
Researchers: Cynthia S. Wang, Jennifer A. Whitson, Brayden King and Rachel L. Ramirez
February 1, 2022
Take 5: What Good Does It Do a Company to Do Good?
Kellogg faculty look at how ESG initiatives are received by investors, customers, and employees.
Researchers: Aaron Yoon, Ravi Jagannathan, Jacob D. Teeny, Alexander Chernev, Brayden King and and coauthors
January 4, 2022
Podcast: How Should Companies Engage with Social Movements?
The stakes have never been higher. Learn more on this episode of The Insightful Leader.
Researchers: Brayden King
July 29, 2021
Why Highly Esteemed Leaders Are Surprisingly Likely to Fumble Their Next Project
Organizations should be leery of putting high-status leaders beyond scrutiny.
Researchers: Balazs Szatmari, Dirk Deichmann, Jan Van Den Ende and Brayden King
May 3, 2021
Why Companies Should Engage with Activists
As calls for social change grow louder, corporations that stay silent risk alienating both customers and employees.
Researchers: Brayden King
April 28, 2021
Take 5: What Business Leaders Can Learn from the World of Sports
Specialists and scrappy underdogs can be just as indispensable in the office as they are on the playing field.
Researchers: Brayden King, Rima Touré-Tillery, Brian Uzzi, Noshir Contractor, J. Keith Murnighan and Daryl Morey
March 2, 2020
Why Anger Gets in the Way of Employee Activism
Moral outrage can be a powerful recruiting tool for social causes. But a different tactic is needed to motivate insiders.
Researchers: Katherine A. DeCelles, Scott Sonenshein and Brayden King
February 10, 2020
In an Era of Easy Outrage, When Should Brands Take a Stand?
A Kellogg professor explains how companies can navigate boycotts while staying connected with customers.
Researchers: Brayden King
November 1, 2019
How the NRA Boycotts Force Companies to Walk a Precarious Tightrope
Two Kellogg professors discuss the changing landscape for companies trying to stay neutral in our polarized political climate.
Researchers: Brayden King and Timothy Calkins
March 20, 2018
Juries Treat Prestigious Companies Differently in Employment Discrimination Suits
But beware, a good reputation is a double-edged sword.
Researchers: Mary Hunter-McDonnell and Brayden King
March 1, 2018
Take 5: How Power Dynamics Shape Our Behavior
Power—or the lack of it—impacts everything from snack choices to economic growth.
Researchers: Derek D. Rucker, Loran Nordgren, Adam Waytz, Benjamin F. Jones and Brayden King
September 7, 2017
The Risks of a Good Reputation
How reputation and trust function in commercial transactions and the sharing economy.
Researchers: Kent Grayson and Brayden King
June 2, 2015
How Do Activists Create Change?
Small reforms can lead to profound transformation.
Researchers: Mary Hunter-McDonnell, Brayden King and Sarah Soule
June 2, 2015
The Risks of a Good Reputation— Podcast Transcript
How reputation and trust function in commercial transactions and the sharing economy. A transcript of this month’s Insight In Person podcast.
Researchers: Kent Grayson and Brayden King
June 2, 2015
The All-Star Pitcher’s Advantage
An infographic illustrating the connection between pitcher status and umpire bias.
Researchers: Jerry Kim and Brayden King
April 7, 2014
Calling a Strike a Strike
In Major League Baseball, a pitcher’s star status leads to favorable calls
Researchers: Jerry Kim and Brayden King
April 7, 2014
Corporate Activism Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
An interview about how social movements continue to shape corporate behavior.
Researchers: Brayden King and Klaus Weber
March 3, 2014
Managing the Reputational and Market Risks of Social Activism
Executives should understand how protesters actually affect financial performance
Researchers: Brayden King
March 4, 2013
The Price of Pollution
How much does environmental activism affect a corporation’s bottom line?
Researchers: Ion Bogdan Vasi and Brayden King
December 1, 2012
Inspiring Loyalty by Asking, “What If?”
Counterfactual thinking strengthens commitments to people and organizations
Researchers: Hal Ersner-Hershfield, Adam D. Galinsky, Laura J. Kray and Brayden King
December 1, 2011
On the Origin of Schools
The diversity of Arizona’s charter schools
Researchers: Brayden King, Elisabeth S. Clemens and Melissa Fry
December 1, 2010
Why Boycotts Succeed—and Fail
Identifying corporate vulnerabilities that can lead to damaged reputations
Researchers: Brayden King
April 1, 2009