Business Insights
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three windowed offices with people meeting in each
February 23, 2023

A DEI Reading List

Kellogg faculty share insights on how to build and sustain DEI initiatives.

person walking on smartphone, moving from app to app
February 6, 2023

If Your Favorite App Disappeared, How Would You Spend That Time?

Knowing whether users migrate to other apps or simply cut back on screen time is critical for understanding competition in the “attention economy.”

realtor showing converted office building to family
February 1, 2023

Understanding the Pandemic’s Lasting Impact on Real Estate

Work-from-home has stuck around. What does this mean for residential and commercial real-estate markets?

person testing virtual reality app on phone
February 1, 2023

Got a Niche Product to Sell? Augmented Reality Might Help.

Letting customers “try out” products virtually can give customers the confidence to take the plunge.

A city's skyscrapers interspersed with trees and rooftop gardens
January 17, 2023

What Is the Purpose of a Corporation Today?

Has anything changed in the three years since the Business Roundtable declared firms should prioritize more than shareholders?

College quad with students walking away from the center
January 2, 2023

College Campuses Are Becoming More Diverse. But How Much Do Students from Different Backgrounds Actually Interact?

Increasing diversity has been a key goal, “but far less attention is paid to what happens after we get people in the door.”

Two ESG analysts sit at computers, one looking at a map of China, the other looking at a globe.
January 1, 2023

Who Does a Better Job with ESG ratings, Global or Local Research Firms?

Sometimes, global raters miss important nuances about a firm’s environmental, social, and governmental activities.

grocery store aisle where two groups of people protest. One group is boycotting, while the other is buycotting
January 1, 2023

How Much Do Boycotts Affect a Company’s Bottom Line?

There’s often an opposing camp pushing for a “buycott” to support the company. New research shows which group has more sway.

The world wonders what caused the great recession.
December 22, 2022

What Do American Businesses Need to Understand about China Right Now?

As China’s zero-Covid policy ends, it’s time to take stock of where the world’s second largest economy may be headed.

A detective pulls back his computer screen to reveal code behind the video image.
December 22, 2022

In a World of Widespread Video Sharing, What’s Real and What’s Not?

A discussion with a video-authentication expert on what it takes to unearth “deepfakes.”

watering can pouring over windmills
December 20, 2022

5 Takeaways on the State of ESG Investing

ESG investing is hot. But what does it actually deliver for society and for shareholders?

Communicating with investors via corporate social media
December 13, 2022

Twitter Is “Running A Musk”

Elon Musk has built several visionary businesses. But after a month with Musk in command, Twitter is in trouble with users, advertisers, and the government.

people in grocery store aisle choosing cheap over free option of same product.
December 1, 2022

How Offering a Product for Free Can Backfire

It seems counterintuitive, but there are times customers would rather pay a small amount than get something for free.

people building a bridge, with blue bricks from the left side and red bricks from the right side
December 1, 2022

4 Science-Backed Strategies to Curb Partisan Animosity

Vilification of the other side is at a fever pitch. But research suggests ways to bridge the gap.

stock trader surrounded by computer monitors
November 18, 2022

What Went Wrong with FTX—and What’s Next for Crypto?

One key issue will be introducing regulation without strangling innovation, a fintech expert explains.

Anger helps a consumer make a decision
November 9, 2022

Take 5: The Surprising Ways Emotions Shape Consumer Behavior

Companies, take note—emotions like anger, fear, and anticipation can impact what ends up in consumers’ shopping carts.

Two people talking in front of a brick wall with a spotlight shining on them
November 3, 2022

Transparency Requirements May Not Curb Sneaky Behavior

A new study finds that it is possible to maintain plausible deniability, even if your conversations are later made public.

man sits at computer reading Q&A forum
November 3, 2022

Product Q&A Forums Hold a Lot of Promise. Here’s How to Make Them Work.

The key to these online communities, where users can ask and answer questions, is how many questions get useful answers.

dollar signs stand on a road
November 2, 2022

Tesla Deserves an A for Its Financial Management

Elon Musk should be commended for being in the position to even think about stock buybacks right now.

two people playing chess
November 1, 2022

How Experts Make Complex Decisions

By studying 200 million chess moves, researchers shed light on what gives players an advantage—and what trips them up.

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