Business Insights
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October 1, 2008

When Does Coordination Require Centralization?

Contrary to expectations, decentralization might be the best strategy when the need for coordination among divisions is paramount

September 1, 2008

The VIX, CIV, and MFIV

Measuring up the accuracy of option-based predictors of volatility

September 1, 2008

Communicating the Risks of Investments in Intellectual Property

International financial reporting standards may be better than U.S. standards

August 1, 2008

Own-Brand and Cross-Brand Retail Pass-Through

How much of a manufacturer’s promotional pricing gets passed through to the end customers?

August 1, 2008

Does Malpractice Liability Keep the Doctor Away?

The impact of tort reform damage caps

July 1, 2008

Emotion and Consumer Behavior

Can anger make us choose a hiking trip vacation?

July 1, 2008

Professional Forecasters

Innocent until proven strategic

July 1, 2008

The Price of Advice

Why do consultants charge fees depending on their clients’ decisions?

June 1, 2008

Meeting Strangers and Friends of Friends

How random are social networks?

June 1, 2008

Patent Protection and Innovation in Pharma

Do national patent laws stimulate domestic innovation in a global patenting environment?

June 1, 2008

Bear or Bull Market Indicators?

The impact of short selling

May 1, 2008

When Executives Sell

The influence of wealth diversification on contracting schemes

May 1, 2008

The Promise, Perils, and Performance of Private Equity

The returns that institutional investors realize from private equity differ dramatically across institutions

May 1, 2008

How Many Reasons Do You Need to Like BMWs?

The role of content vs. retrieval ease

May 1, 2008

Lobbyists Speak in Numbers

Evaluating the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002

April 1, 2008

Cost-Sharing Agreements

A tax-saving device for multi-nationals

April 1, 2008

Ingratiating Behavior Provides Alternative Path to the Boardroom

Talent and credentials are not all that matters

April 1, 2008

A Borderline Question

The economics of immigration

March 1, 2008

Averting a Recession

Does a tax rebate work?

March 1, 2008

Coupling within the Firm

Links between governance channels affect strategy

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