Business Insights
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A woman shakes a man's hand.
December 6, 2018

Are Women More Ethical at the Negotiating Table? It’s Complicated.

Plus, how women are judged differently when they break the rules.

An entrepreneur perfects her invention.
December 6, 2018

Sure, Industry Outsiders Can Bring Fresh Ideas. But Are They Better Entrepreneurs?

New insights from a definitive study on what successful startup founders have in common.

A job hunter googles job information.
December 5, 2018

What Google Is Teaching Economists About Unemployment Insurance

Search data can tell policymakers whether extending unemployment benefits delays job-seeking.

a customer service representative ends a call.
December 5, 2018

Customers Can Be Jerks. Here’s Why Some Employees Retaliate.

But take heart, companies can curb that instinct for revenge.

A master baker and her unhappy apprentice.
December 4, 2018

Why Do Trainees Get Stuck with So Much Grunt Work?

There must be faster ways to get them up to speed. Yet grueling apprenticeships persist in medicine, law, and the trades.

a family business owner offers a child a pair of shoes
December 3, 2018

Why Family Businesses Sometimes Make Decisions That Seem Bad for the Family

Even non-family firms can benefit when they think beyond their immediate self-interest.

a math teacher uses blocks to teach.
December 3, 2018

Organizational Change Is Often a Tough Sell, but Encouraging Peer Interactions Can Help

A study of teachers offers lessons on how to get employees on board with reforms.

Entrepreneurs show ideas to an investor.
December 3, 2018

4 Qualities Venture Capitalists Look for in an Entrepreneur

A serial investor explains why you need more than just a cool idea.

A business leader communicates complex ideas to a circle of employees.
November 7, 2018

Take 5: Fine-Tuning Your Powers of Persuasion

From understanding power dynamics to telling a memorable story, here’s how to sell your ideas.

Arrivals board at the airport.
November 6, 2018

Attention Passengers: Your Next Flight Will Likely Arrive Early. Here’s Why.

The reason has less to do with planes and airport logistics than a strategic move by airlines.

Trying to borrow money from the bank.
November 6, 2018

Which Businesses Are More Likely to Get a Loan During a Credit Crunch?

Banks get picky when cash dries up.

The role of gender in telling the truth in negotiation.
November 6, 2018

Are You Willing to Stretch the Truth While Negotiating?

It may depend on your gender and whom you are representing.

Quantifying the value of sustainable practices.
November 6, 2018

Does It Pay Off to Invest in Companies That Engage in Sustainable Practices?

New research helps to quantify the value of “ESG” initiatives.

A storyteller describes a shoe by a fire.
October 30, 2018

How to Empower Customers to Tell Your Company’s Story

Their “experience with your product carries more weight than any marketing message you can come up with.”

Inventory manager stands before his stock room.
October 4, 2018

A Counterintuitive Way to Keep Shelves Stocked and Prices Down

New research suggests how to improve supply-chain efficiency and avoid “inventory runs.”

A woman faces three mirrors containing different reflections, in which she appears upset, neutral, and loving.
October 4, 2018

Are You a Different Person at Work Than at Home? Compartmentalizing Like This Can Lead to Unethical Decisions.

New research examines how self-perception affects moral behavior.

A cryptocurrency tanker is flanked by small boats.
October 2, 2018

The Blockchain Revolution Has Reached a Crossroads. What’s Next?

Bitcoin and its ilk need to become more efficient without losing their trademark decentralization.

Chief Marketing Officer is central to the organization.
October 1, 2018

How Marketing Leaders Can Thrive Amidst “Tectonic” Shifts in Expectations

Four experts discuss CMOs’ unique opportunity to drive growth and collaboration across their companies.

Kids decide whether to buy water or soda.
September 10, 2018

A New Way to Persuade Kids to Drink More Water and Less Soda

Getting children to make healthy choices is tricky—and the wrong message can backfire.

Computational Social Scientists discuss solutions.
September 10, 2018

How Can Social Science Become More Solutions-Oriented?

A conversation between researchers at Kellogg and Microsoft explores how behavioral science can best be applied.

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