Ata Jami
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Ata Jami

Research Assistant Professor of Marketing

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It’s Painful to Spend Money—Unless It’s a Refund

New research shows why it feels different to spend the money we get back after returning a product.

Researchers: Ata Jami

June 1, 2024


A Surprising Benefit of Feeling Ownership over Your Possessions

Owning things can boost our self-esteem. And that, in turn, can make us want to help others.

Researchers: Ata Jami, Maryam Kouchaki and Francesca Gino

January 4, 2021

Social Impact

Take 5: How to Be a Savvy Holiday Shopper

Kellogg researchers explain the psychology of consumer decision-making.

Researchers: Achal Bassamboo, Ulf Bockenholt, Alexander Chernev, Ata Jami, Michal Maimaran, Blakeley B. McShane and Yuval Salant

December 6, 2019


A Surprisingly Simple Way to Encourage Customers to Take a Risk

How certain kinds of visuals can inspire people to be more adventurous.

Researchers: Ata Jami

May 2, 2019


When Companies Praise Good Behavior, They May Encourage the Exact Opposite

Why giving customers credit for altruistic purchases can backfire.

Researchers: Maryam Kouchaki and Ata Jami

October 10, 2016

Social Impact