Dennis J. Zhang
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Dennis J. Zhang

Attention Passengers: Your Next Flight Will Likely Arrive Early. Here’s Why.

The reason has less to do with planes and airport logistics than a strategic move by airlines.

Researchers: Dennis J. Zhang, Yuval Salant and Jan A. Van Mieghem

November 6, 2018


Want to Improve Your Sales Forecast? Check Your Company’s Facebook Feed.

Social media data can help predict consumer demand.

Researchers: Ruomeng Cui, Santiago Gallino, Antonio Moreno-Garcia and Dennis J. Zhang

September 6, 2017


What Makes an Online Flash Sale Successful?

When ratings and reviews aren’t enough, showing that a deal is popular can convince others to buy.

Researchers: Ruomeng Cui, Dennis J. Zhang and Achal Bassamboo

June 6, 2017


A Gentle Nudge Can Increase Participation in MOOCs

Reminders to collaborate benefit students in massive open online courses.

Researchers: Dennis J. Zhang, Gad Allon and Jan A. Van Mieghem

December 7, 2015
