Galen Bodenhausen
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Galen Bodenhausen

Lawyer Taylor Professor of Psychology and Marketing, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences; Professor of Marketing; Co-Director of the Center on the Science of Diversity

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How Much Evidence Do You Need to Make a Decision? Depends on Your Mindset.

When a choice is framed as a responsibility, we’ll go the extra mile to be accurate—even when it costs us.

Researchers: Galen Bodenhausen and Michalis Mamakos

April 22, 2024


How Offering a Product for Free Can Backfire

It seems counterintuitive, but there are times customers would rather pay a small amount than get something for free.

Researchers: Xiaomeng Fan, Fengyan Cindy Cai and Galen Bodenhausen

December 1, 2022


Are Voters Biased Against Female Politicians?

In many cases, no. But economic anxiety can ignite powerful gender stereotypes.

Researchers: Ryan Lei and Galen Bodenhausen

We Are Influenced by Racial Information Even When We Are Not Aware of Its Presence

Many of us acknowledge that implicit racial bias exists, but the problem goes deeper than we think.

Researchers: Jie Yuan, Xiaoqing Hu, Yuhao Lu, Galen Bodenhausen and Shimin Fu

April 10, 2017


Are Numbers Gendered?

What they reveal about the human mind

Researchers: James Wilkie and Galen Bodenhausen

September 4, 2012


A Widespread Stigma

Why are people with mental illness judged unfairly?

Researchers: Nicolas Rüsch, Andrew Todd, Galen Bodenhausen and Patrick Corrigan

April 1, 2011


Biases that Bind

The Role of Stereotypes in Decision-Making Processes

Researchers: Galen Bodenhausen

December 1, 2009


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