It’s Performance Review Time. Which Ranking System Is Best for Your Team?
A look at the benefits and downsides of two different approaches.
Researchers: George Georgiadis
July 3, 2023
Podcast: How to Design Incentives That Motivate Employees
On this episode of The Insightful Leader, we learn why it’s not always as simple as handing out a performance bonus.
Researchers: George Georgiadis
March 21, 2022
How to Design Contests That Motivate Employees
From innovation challenges to sales competitions, contests offer a powerful way to incentivize teams and individuals.
Researchers: Jeffrey Ely, George Georgiadis, Sina Khorasani and Luis Rayo
June 1, 2021
To Find the Best Incentives for Employees, Start with a Simple A/B Test
Keeping people motivated can be tough. New research shows that a simple experiment can lead to big productivity gains.
Researchers: George Georgiadis and Michael Powell
August 4, 2020
Take 5: How to Increase Your Office's Productivity
Research-backed tips for improving workflows and discouraging slacking.
Researchers: Michael Powell, Robert L. Bray, Nicola Persico, George Georgiadis, Jan A. Van Mieghem and Chaithanya Bandi
July 5, 2019
Worried Your Employees Are Slacking? Rethink How You Pay Them.
A new study reveals the optimal incentive system, and it’s surprisingly simple.
Researchers: George Georgiadis and Balázs Szentes
March 5, 2019
Take 5: How to Motivate Employees
Research sheds light on which employee incentives work best.
Researchers: Rongzhu Ke, Jin Li, Michael Powell, Daniel Barron, George Georgiadis, Jeroen Swinkels, Todd A. Gormley, David A. Matsa, Julia D. Hur, Loran Nordgren and Erika Deserranno
July 5, 2017
Finding the Right Performance Incentives to Motivate Employees
Some incentive schemes encourage hard work—others reward those who game the system.
Researchers: Daniel Barron, George Georgiadis and Jeroen Swinkels
October 10, 2016
A Clever Strategy to Combat Free Riding
In any collaboration, the temptation to slack off is strong.
Researchers: Jakša Cvitanić and George Georgiadis
August 1, 2016