Are Whistleblowers Seen as Heroes or Snitches? It Depends.
Reporting workplace misconduct often requires choosing between morality and loyalty. New research explores how that trade-off is viewed by others.
Researchers: Zachariah Berry, Ike Silver and Alex Shaw
February 1, 2024
Take 5: The Psychology of Charitable Giving
What makes us give? Research reveals the surprising factors that shape our generosity.
Researchers: Ike Silver, Maryam Kouchaki, Rima Touré-Tillery and and coauthors
November 22, 2023
Yes, You Should Hit “Share” when You Make a Charitable Donation
Nobody wants to come across as bragging, but when donors stay mum, charities miss out. New research offers a strategy to embolden givers.
Researchers: Ike Silver and Deborah A. Small
June 1, 2023
When Political Discussions Get Heated, Is It Best to Just Stay Out of It?
Keeping your head down when hot-button topics arise could come at a cost to your reputation.
Researchers: Ike Silver and Alex Shaw
July 8, 2022