Konstantin Sonin
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Konstantin Sonin

How the Electoral College May Curb Election Fraud

This distinctive aspect of American democracy has come under increased scrutiny. But the very quality that most vexes its critics comes with an underrecognized upside.

Researchers: Georgy Egorov and Konstantin Sonin

October 2, 2023

Politics & Elections

How Autocracies Unravel

Over time, leaders grow more repressive and cling to yes-men—a cycle that’s playing out today in Putin’s Russia.

Researchers: Georgy Egorov and Konstantin Sonin

August 10, 2023


Is Social Mobility Essential to Democracy?

It depends on the size and assumptions of the middle class.

Researchers: Daron Acemoglu, Georgy Egorov and Konstantin Sonin

April 5, 2018


Which Form of Government Is Best?

Democracies may not outlast dictatorships, but they adapt better.

Researchers: Daron Acemoglu, Georgy Egorov and Konstantin Sonin

November 1, 2012


Abundant Resources, Yet Little Freedom

Why dictators of resource-rich countries muzzle the press

Researchers: Georgy Egorov, Sergei Guriev and Konstantin Sonin

June 1, 2011


A Populist Paradox

Populist policies may harm voters but reward leaders

Researchers: Daron Acemoglu, Georgy Egorov and Konstantin Sonin

November 1, 2010

Politics & Elections
