Nicole Stephens
Jeanne Brett Chair; Professor of Management & Organizations; Professor of Psychology, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences (Courtesy)
College Campuses Are Becoming More Diverse. But How Much Do Students from Different Backgrounds Actually Interact?
Increasing diversity has been a key goal, “but far less attention is paid to what happens after we get people in the door.”
Researchers: Rebecca M. Carey, Nicole Stephens, Sarah S. M. Townsend and MarYam Hamedani
January 2, 2023
How COVID Changed the Way Americans Think about Economic Inequality
For some, the pandemic laid bare the social factors that can keep people down. But not everyone adopted a new perspective.
Researchers: Hannah J. Birnbaum, Andrea G. Dittmann, Nicole Stephens, Ellen C. Reinhart, Rebecca M. Carey and Hazel Rose Markus
December 1, 2022
Are You Giving All of Your Employees an Equal Chance to Succeed?
Make sure your organization is truly inclusive by following these three steps.
Researchers: Nicole Stephens
February 6, 2020
Are Women More Ethical at the Negotiating Table? It’s Complicated.
Plus, how women are judged differently when they break the rules.
Researchers: Jason R. Pierce, Leigh Thompson, Maryam Kouchaki, Laura J. Kray, Jessica Kennedy, Mary-Hunter "Mae" McDonnell and Nicole Stephens
December 6, 2018
Take 5: The Science of Back-to-School Season
Why sending your kid to the “best” school may backfire, and other education research from Kellogg faculty.
Researchers: Jörg L. Spenkuch, Michal Maimaran, Nicole Stephens and Nicola Bianchi
August 3, 2018
Making the Grade
Some students are disadvantaged in the culture of higher education—but there may be a simple remedy
Researchers: Nicole Stephens, MarYam Hamedani and Mesmin Destin
January 8, 2014
What Makes an “Act of God”?
Why some use religion to make sense of natural disasters
Researchers: Nicole Stephens
April 3, 2013
Leveling the Playing Field
Small tweaks help first-generation college students succeed
Researchers: Nicole Stephens, Stephanie A. Fryberg, Hazel Rose Markus, Camille S. Johnson and Rebecca Covarrubias
September 4, 2012
Opting Out, or Overlooking Discrimination?
How the framework of “free choice” can obscure the reality of gender inequality
Researchers: Nicole Stephens and Cynthia S. Levine
August 1, 2011
Why Did They Stay?
Perspectives on Katrina survivors’ “choice” to stand their ground or evacuate
Researchers: Nicole Stephens, MarYam Hamedani, Hazel Rose Markus, Hilary Bergsieker and Liyam Eloul
April 5, 2010