Robert Boute
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Robert Boute

Visiting Professor of Operations

Kellogg Faculty Page →

Looking to Further Digitize Your Operations? This Tool Can Help.

There’s no single solution or easy answer. But you can use this framework to audit your efforts and figure out your next move.

Researchers: Jan A. Van Mieghem and Robert Boute

June 18, 2021


How “Speed Factories” Help Companies Adapt to Capricious Consumers

For certain trendy products, these local but expensive plants can be a smart investment.

Researchers: Robert Boute, Stephen M. Disney and Jan A. Van Mieghem

July 3, 2018


How Much Does It Cost to Manufacture Overseas Versus at Home?

A new tool helps companies calculate whether to offshore, manufacture locally, or dual source.

Researchers: Robert Boute and Jan A. Van Mieghem

July 10, 2017

