Yuval Salant
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Yuval Salant

Professor of Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences

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How Experts Make Complex Decisions

By studying 200 million chess moves, researchers shed light on what gives players an advantage—and what trips them up.

Researchers: Yuval Salant and Jörg L. Spenkuch

November 1, 2022


Take 5: How to Be a Savvy Holiday Shopper

Kellogg researchers explain the psychology of consumer decision-making.

Researchers: Achal Bassamboo, Ulf Bockenholt, Alexander Chernev, Ata Jami, Michal Maimaran, Blakeley B. McShane and Yuval Salant

December 6, 2019


No, Extended Warranties Are Usually Not Worth It

So why do so many people keep buying them?

Researchers: Jose Miguel Abito and Yuval Salant

October 3, 2019


Take 5: The Psychology of Healthy Eating

Opting for a salad instead of a steak can be hard. Research from Kellogg can help.

Researchers: Alexander Chernev, Rima Touré-Tillery, Michal Maimaran, Yuval Salant, David A. Matsa and Nancy Qian

June 4, 2019


Want Your Kids to Eat More Healthy Food? Offer Them Less.

Here’s a counterintuitive way to make carrots more “yummy.”

Researchers: Michal Maimaran and Yuval Salant

May 3, 2019


Attention Passengers: Your Next Flight Will Likely Arrive Early. Here’s Why.

The reason has less to do with planes and airport logistics than a strategic move by airlines.

Researchers: Dennis J. Zhang, Yuval Salant and Jan A. Van Mieghem

November 6, 2018


Take 5: Election Rules and Campaign Tactics That Sway Voters

A look at whether celebrity endorsements matter, why the top spot on a ballot is coveted, and more election research from Kellogg faculty.

Researchers: Craig Garthwaite, Angela Y. Lee, Yuval Salant, Georgy Egorov and Jörg L. Spenkuch

October 30, 2018

Politics & Elections

Decisions, Decisions

Why humans can’t seem to make the “right” choices

Researchers: Yuval Salant

July 2, 2012


First Among Equals?

Prime ballot position improves a candidate’s chances of winning office.

Researchers: Marc Meredith and Yuval Salant

October 1, 2010

Politics & Elections

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