Best of 2022
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Best of 2022

We did it! Thank you, readers, for your continued support of Kellogg Insight. Enjoy some of our top stories from 2022, and we look forward to bringing you even more research and ideas in the new year. - Jess Love, Editor in Chief, Kellogg Insight

sparsely populated office

Is a Four-Day Workweek Right for Your Company?

There’s a reason more and more organizations are considering this option.

research laboratory with men and women scientists

Gender-Balanced Teams Do Better Work

When it comes to teams of scientists, “men and women are both part of the recipe for success,” according to new research.

person displaying a powerpoint with a halo above infographics

5 Research-Backed Strategies for Building an Ethical Culture at Work

An annual training session isn’t going to cut it.

employees encounter obstacles in front of their office

To Get Employees Back to the Office, Address These 4 Frictions

An innovation expert explains how to meet resistance head-on.

two people playing chess

How Experts Make Complex Decisions

By studying 200 million chess moves, researchers shed light on what gives players an advantage—and what trips them up.

Policy & Society
woman working on computer that is stacked on books, with small black dog biting one book in the stack

What the Psychology of Resilience Can Tell Us About Enduring the Pandemic

Plus, what organizations can do to help their employees cope.

Office with manager and well-appointed subordinate cubicle sharing political affiliation
Politics & Elections

Could Your Political Views Stymie Your Career?

From being hired to getting a promotion, new research shows you may be penalized for disagreeing politically with the boss.

lobby of a healthcare facility

Where Is the U.S. Healthcare Industry Headed?

New business models abound, private equity is expanding, and healthcare workers are hard to find.

person being raised up by large hands

The Thorny Challenge of Measuring Success in “Systems-of-Care” Networks

These networks, which help direct people to the medical and social services they need, must tread carefully in choosing which metrics to use in decision-making.

Finance & Economics
woman working from home couch with dog

Covid Hit in an Era of Broadband and Zoom. How Much Did That Help the Economy?

A new study sheds light on the impact of remote work on GDP in 2020.

smokestacks, wind turbine, solar panel
Finance & Accounting

Jeff Ubben Explains His “Anti-ESG ESG” Investment Strategy

In a recent conversation with Kellogg’s Robert Korajczyk, the hedge-fund leader breaks down his unique approach to mission-driven investing.

news reporter describes oil spill with NG Energy stock ticker
Finance & Accounting

Investors Are Eager for Accurate ESG Information. Can Financial Analysts Provide It?

Analysts aren’t traditionally steeped in ESG, but they do have deep knowledge of the companies they cover.


Why Are U.S. Companies Hoarding So Much Cash?

More than anything else, it comes down to taxes.

people in 1967 and 2022 react to advertising

How Has Marketing Changed over the Past Half-Century?

Phil Kotler’s groundbreaking textbook came out 55 years ago. Sixteen editions later, he and coauthor Alexander Chernev discuss how big data, social media, and purpose-driven branding are moving the field forward.

two people sitting back to back, one reading a digital tablet and the other a paper flyer.

We React Differently to Paper vs. Digital Requests

Our willingness to act virtuously changes depending on how we’re asked.
