Focus on Elections
As the 2020 U.S. presidential race enters its final phase, voters are contemplating the broader political landscape and examining their stances on key issues.
Here is a collection of faculty research and insights related to popular election topics, such as candidate endorsements, political advertising, forming political opinions, and more.

Politics & Elections
Take 5: Election Rules and Campaign Tactics That Sway Voters
A look at whether celebrity endorsements matter, why the top spot on a ballot is coveted, and more election research from Kellogg faculty.
Craig Garthwaite, Angela Y. Lee, Yuval Salant, Georgy Egorov and Jörg L. Spenkuch
October 30, 2018

How Did School Desegregation Shape the Political Ideology of White Students Later in Life?
A new study suggests that, more than four decades later, the impact of these policies on political leanings is apparent.
Ethan Kaplan, Jörg L. Spenkuch and Cody Tuttle
September 1, 2020

Why Are Social Media Platforms Still So Bad at Combating Misinformation?
Facebook, Twitter, and users themselves have few incentives to distinguish fact from fiction.
Hatim Rahman
August 3, 2020

Politics & Elections
Why Certain Types of Elections Favor Extreme Candidates
Winners can differ when voting is done by district versus at-large.
Andrew Beath, Fotini Christia, Georgy Egorov and Ruben Enikolopov
June 7, 2018

Politics & Elections
Are Voters Biased Against Female Politicians?
In many cases, no. But economic anxiety can ignite powerful gender stereotypes.
Ryan Lei and Galen Bodenhausen
July 1, 2019

Politics & Elections
Politicians Vote Differently When Journalists Aren’t Watching
During natural disasters, the media spotlight shifts—and special interests benefit.
Ethan Kaplan, Jörg L. Spenkuch and Haishan Yuan
January 3, 2019

Politics & Elections
Podcast: Does What Candidates Say Matter?
Understanding political rhetoric in this heated presidential race.
Nour Kteily, Julie Hennessy and Thomas N. Hubbard
March 28, 2016

Politics & Elections
When People Think Their Neighbors Support Trump, They’re More Likely to Express Anti-immigrant Views
Social norms are powerful—but fluid. A study of the 2016 election shows how they can change.
Georgy Egorov, Leonardo Bursztyn and Stefano Fiorin
August 13, 2019

Politics & Elections
The Oprah Effect
Celebrity endorsement of political candidates can make a difference at the polls.
Craig Garthwaite and Timothy Moore
April 2, 2012

Politics & Elections
Abandoning the Electoral College Would Remake Campaign Spending
A direct-vote system could have a sizeable impact on the behaviors of voters and candidates.
Brett Gordon and Wesley Hartmann
May 6, 2016

Politics & Elections
To Rally Your Base, Buy Air Time
How political advertising is a zero-sum game.
Jörg L. Spenkuch and David Toniatti
January 4, 2016

Which Form of Government Is Best?
Democracies may not outlast dictatorships, but they adapt better.
Daron Acemoglu, Georgy Egorov and Konstantin Sonin
November 1, 2012

Politics & Elections
First Among Equals?
Prime ballot position improves a candidate’s chances of winning office.
Marc Meredith and Yuval Salant
October 1, 2010

Engineered Electioneering
The “when” and “what” of candidates’ messages.
Hakkyun Kim, Akshay R. Rao and Angela Y. Lee
October 1, 2010