Kellogg on Financial Innovation
The Kellogg FinTech Conference will feature many of The Kellogg School's distinguished faculty presenting on topics vital to business leaders, researchers and policymakers. Here is a collection of Kellogg faculty research and expertise on the subject.

A Crowdfunding App that Pays the Bills
A startup in Kenya captures an underserved market.
Sarit Markovich
September 8, 2015
Banks May Soon Use Our Facebook Friends to Assess Our Creditworthiness. Should We Worry?
Five things to keep in mind when considering how companies use social media data.
Brian Uzzi
June 6, 2016

Finance & Accounting
Credit Where Credit Is Due
New ways of assessing credit worthiness could open up access to the global banking system.
Paul Christensen
September 8, 2015

Is Reading Someone’s Emails Like Entering Their Home?
How conceptions of privacy change over time and how analogies pave the way.
Kartikeya Bajpai and Klaus Weber
May 5, 2016