Remembering the Work of J. Keith Murnighan
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Remembering the Work of J. Keith Murnighan

Our colleague Keith Murnighan, a professor of management and organizations, passed away on June 3, 2016. In addition to the wisdom and kindness he imparted to so many in our community, Murnighan leaves behind a truly inspired body of research and ideas.

Below is just a small sampling of Murnighan's recent work as a storied scholar of human and organizational behavior.


Are Bean Counters More Selfish?

Emphasizing a “calculative mindset” encourages people to act more selfishly and less ethically when making decisions.

Everyone Loves a Generalist

Specialists are undervalued, on sports teams and in the workplace


Rich and Unhappy—and Fine with Unethical Behavior?

Ethics, income, and feelings of well-being influence each other in unpredictable ways


Do Less

Why managers should stop micromanaging and trust their employees

The final stretch of a job can prompt unethical behavior.

Employees Are More Likely to Cheat on Their Way out the Door

The temptation to act unethically is plentiful in the gig economy.

A Trusted Name

Why we trust people we do not know.

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