The Marketing Leader’s Guide to Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
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The Marketing Leader’s Guide to Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
The Marketing Leader’s Guide to Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
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How Effective Is Your Customer Analytics Strategy?

Many business leaders feel anxious about wading into customer analytics and AI, not to mention committing resources to it. Given the complexity of data science, leaders may be hesitant to get involved in what they see as a technical process that’s beyond their purview. Isn’t that what data scientists are for?

But for businesses to stay relevant and best serve current and future customers, they need leaders with a working knowledge of data science. And the most important skills that leaders can bring to analytics and AI aren’t technical skills, math genius, or a mastery of computer science—they’re thinking skills.

What Is Customer Analytics?

Analytics is the science or process of transforming data into knowledge, according to Kellogg’s Florian Zettelmeyer. In short, it is what allows us to derive useful conclusions from data. Analytics can include processes such as machine learning, but it can also include conducting experiments or running statistical analyses that enable causal inferences.

Organizations often struggle with analytics, however, because business planning can be at odds with analytics planning, and data collected during business-as-usual may not be sufficient to inform future decisions.

Discover How to Use Data Analytics in Your Business Strategy

There’s no single answer to this question—no silver bullet or one right path that will always lead to success. Instead, this ebook offers the unique perspectives of Kellogg and Northwestern faculty, as well as leading practitioners, on how leaders should think about data, analytics, and AI. It includes practical tips and strategies for using these tools to solve actual business problems.

The critical, complex decisions about where and how a company should focus its analytics efforts cannot be outsourced: not to vendors hawking one-size-fits-most solutions and not even to a company’s own data scientists. Leaders themselves are ultimately responsible for transforming their organizations. If you identify with and embrace this notion, then this ebook is for you.