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Pros and cons of productivity monitoring
Sent to subscribers on March 15, 2023
When you think about companies monitoring their employees’ productivity, does it conjure up a creepy Big Brother-esque scenario? Many of us instinctively feel like productivity monitoring is invasive. But there’s also a strong case to be made for why it’s useful—and how it can be implemented well,... more
Tips for encouraging ethical behavior at work
Sent to subscribers on March 8, 2023
How do you create an ethical workplace?That was the gist of a question we got from a newsletter reader who wanted some advice on how managers can help employees act ethically, particularly when cutting corners could lead to the sorts of short-term gains against which employees are measured. For... more
Creating a less stressful workplace
Sent to subscribers on March 1, 2023
As you start your day, are you experiencing a calm state of zen? Or are you already getting anxious about all that has to get done?If you’re feeling stressed, you are in good company. According to Gallup, stress among the world’s workers is at an all-time high. As individuals, we can use some tools... more
Are you productive? Or just busy?
Sent to subscribers on February 22, 2023
When someone asks you how you’re doing, how often do you answer not that you’re “good” or “fine,” but that you’re “busy”?For Adam Waytz, a professor of management and organizations, this typical response is a symptom of society’s overemphasis on being busy, and our tendency to falsely equate... more
What’s more important, talent or teamwork?
Sent to subscribers on February 15, 2023
Chiefs fans, are you still basking in your Super Bowl victory? Eagles fans, perhaps you’re still feeling the sting of defeat. Or are you like a certain newsletter writer who is still wondering why she needed to eat quite so much guacamole in one sitting?Regardless of how you’re feeling after... more
Are you prioritizing what matters?
Sent to subscribers on February 8, 2023
How good are you at balancing all the important things you want to get done? Not just various work projects, but balancing work with family responsibilities, exercise, and even hobbies? Most of us struggle with some aspect of this. And the solution isn’t to try to find more time in the day to do it... more
The jobs at risk from ChatGPT
Sent to subscribers on February 1, 2023
It’s hard to avoid news stories about ChatGPT and similar AI-driven chatbots these days, particularly think pieces analyzing whether the robots are coming for our jobs.Opinions range from insisting that the takeover is imminent to “eh, there’s not too much to worry about.” So I reached out to an... more
Looking for a new job? Do this first.
Sent to subscribers on January 25, 2023
It can be fun to daydream about reinventing your professional life. How might you step into a new kind of role, or even a new industry, if you really wanted to? But for those who have been laid off, that daydream becomes an imperative. It can be scary, but clinical assistant professor Ellen Taaffe... more
Read more, meet less—and become a better leader
Sent to subscribers on January 18, 2023
Most of us strive to be better leaders. But with so many facets to good leadership, it can sometimes feel like an overwhelming endeavor. So today, we’ll walk through a few manageable steps you can take to improve your leadership style. Remember to ask yourself if that meeting can be an email... more
What Happens to U.S. Firms if the Country “Decouples” from China?
Sent to subscribers on January 11, 2023
What should American business leaders understand about China right now?There’s a lot going on, from China’s recent abandonment of its zero-Covid approach to the pandemic, to the increasing perception among many lawmakers that China is an economic and security threat to the U.S.Today we’ll hear part... more
Tips for a Productive 2023
Sent to subscribers on January 4, 2023
Happy New Year! Are you a New Year’s resolution kind of person? If so, we’ve got some tips for you on how to start off strong. And even if you’re not into specific time-bound resolutions, it’s all still good advice. Begin each day with a tailored to-do list Here’s some advice for those who want to... more
Our Most Popular Leadership Advice of the Year
Sent to subscribers on December 19, 2022
Tis the season for looking back over the past year and … making lists!The Insightful Leader didn’t want to be left out of this time-honored tradition, so we’re taking a look at our most popular newsletters of the past year. Thank you all for reading in 2022, and best wishes for 2023! The Insightful... more
In a Crisis, Trust Your Team
Sent to subscribers on December 14, 2022
When a crisis emerges for your team, is your instinct to jump in and start fixing things?While this very natural impulse to take control may seem like sound leadership, it can end up causing more problems than it solves, says Colonel Fred Maddox, an assistant professor at the U.S. Army War College... more
How to Engage a Disengaged Employee
Sent to subscribers on December 7, 2022
Have your colleagues become kind of blah about work these days? Whether you call it quiet-quitting or just a pandemic-induced dip in morale, many leaders are struggling to motivate their teams to do their best work.But it doesn’t need to be that way, explains Leigh Thompson, a professor of... more
Crypto’s Future: Swifter, Stricter Regulation
Sent to subscribers on November 30, 2022
By now, we all know that the cryptocurrency exchange FTX imploded in spectacular fashion earlier this month. For those eager to understand what happened, there’s no shortage of explainer articles, (including this helpful one that explains it as if you were a 5-year-old because, well, that’s where... more
How Anger Changes How We Shop
Sent to subscribers on November 16, 2022
Thanksgiving is, somehow, next week. Which means it’s also Black Friday next week. And whether the thought of that consumer free-for-all fills you with glee or dread, it’s likely evoking some sort of strong emotion. And those emotions—or any others you may be feeling while you’re shopping—can... more
Tempted By New Tech? Ask Yourself this Question First.
Sent to subscribers on November 9, 2022
Care for an NFT with your morning coffee? Starbucks is certainly hoping so. The company recently announced that it will offer these digital stamps as part of its reward program. The NFTs can be redeemed for products or experiences, such as interactive games or coffee-related educational programs.... more
Don’t Overestimate Your Self-Control
Sent to subscribers on November 2, 2022
Halloween was two days ago. So I’m guessing a lot of you are reading this at your desk, knowing that the candy bowl in the break room is still overflowing, or you’re at your kitchen table, working within eyeshot of your kids’ bag-o-goodies. While Kellogg Insight’s editors support a healthy amount... more
Leadership lessons from Liz Truss’s downfall
Sent to subscribers on October 26, 2022
Liz Truss’ spectacularly short and disastrous time as British prime minister holds many lessons for politicians and economists, no doubt. (Note: try not to tank your country’s economy.) But what about more general leadership lessons? Her 44-day tenure got us thinking about leaders who make major... more
An Underappreciated Way to Persuade People
Sent to subscribers on October 19, 2022
If you’re trying to convince someone to do something—whether that’s buying your company’s product or buying into your organization’s new policy—you can take one of two general approaches: you can try to entice people by making the offer more attractive, or you can focus on removing barriers and... more
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