Great Recession

China Weathered the Global Recession with an Aggressive Stimulus Package. But Did It Prop Up the Wrong Firms?
A cautionary tale about the unintended consequences of credit expansion.
Researchers: Lin William Cong, Haoyu Gao, Jacopo Ponticelli and Xiaoguang Yang
August 1, 2019

What Google Is Teaching Economists About Unemployment Insurance
Search data can tell policymakers whether extending unemployment benefits delays job-seeking.
Researchers: Scott R. Baker and Andrey Fradkin
December 5, 2018

Finance & Accounting
Take 5: How Do Households Manage Fluctuating Finances?
Plus, how policymakers can help them manage better.
Researchers: Janice C. Eberly, Lorenz Kueng, Scott R. Baker, Anthony DeFusco and John Mondragon
February 5, 2018

Finance & Accounting
Private Equity Helped Firms Weather the Great Recession
A new study shows that debt isn’t always a liability during a financial crisis.
Researchers: Shai Bernstein, Josh Lerner and Filippo Mezzanotti
January 4, 2018

Measuring the Impact of Dodd–Frank on Household Leverage
The regulation’s attempt to prevent people from taking on mortgages they can’t repay may not work as intended.
Researchers: Anthony DeFusco, Stephanie Johnson and John Mondragon
December 1, 2017

Finance & Accounting
Why Are We So Quick to Borrow When the Value of Our Home Rises?
The reason isn’t as simple as just feeling wealthier.
Researchers: Anthony DeFusco
February 3, 2017

Businesses Born in a Recession Tend to Start Smaller and Stay Smaller
Yet there are ways business owners can counter these long-term effects.
Researchers: Sara Moreira
January 5, 2017

Finance & Accounting
Why Did Car Sales Drop So Dramatically During the Financial Crisis?
Even willing buyers were affected by a credit freeze.
Researchers: Efraim Benmelech, Ralf R. Meisenzahl and Rodney Ramcharan
April 4, 2016

Finance & Accounting
What Went Wrong at AIG?
Unpacking the insurance giant’s collapse during the 2008 financial crisis.
Researchers: Robert McDonald and Anna Paulson
August 3, 2015

Finance & Accounting
Is Your Household Liquid Enough?
Ample cash reserves aid households when faced with the unexpected.
Researchers: Scott R. Baker
December 1, 2014

The Hidden Benefits of Unemployment Insurance
A pioneering study reveals that the benefits of unemployment insurance include reductions in mortgage defaults and improved access to credit.
Researchers: Joanne W. Hsu, David A. Matsa and Brian Melzer
August 4, 2014

Finance & Accounting
What Really Spurred the Great Recession?
Globalization and the U.S. dollar are as much to blame as banks.
Researchers: Ravi Jagannathan, Mudit Kapoor and Ernst Schaumburg
July 1, 2013
Finance & Accounting
Debt Markets During the Crisis
Failure to see the big picture led to a breakdown
Researchers: Arvind Krishnamurthy
April 1, 2011