The Insightful Leader Live
A series of live, virtual events providing an hour of critical leadership and business insights from a Kellogg professor.
Archived Webinar
Thursday, February 3, 2022
The Insightful Leader Live: From Inflation to the Labor Market, What You Need to Know About Today’s Economy
Prices are surging, supply chains are breaking, and the Great Resignation is hitting all industries. Two years into COVID-19, the economy can really only be described in one word: wild. So what exactly is going on—and where might things be headed? In this complimentary webinar, Kellogg finance professor Sergio Rebelo—a leading expert in macroeconomics and international finance—will offer his unique perspective.

Sergio Rebelo is the MUFG Bank Distinguished Professor of International Finance at Kellogg, where he has published widely in leading economics journals. He has served as a consultant to the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the European Central Bank. He’s also an award-winning teacher.
Insight Unpacked, Season 2
Listen to Insight Unpacked, “American Healthcare and Its Web of Misaligned Incentives." All episodes now available.