Podcast: Unleash Your Inner Designer
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Innovation Strategy Apr 22, 2019

Podcast: Unleash Your Inner Designer

You—yes, you!—can use design thinking to find creative solutions to your customers’ problems.

An entrepreneur sketches her new business.

Yevgenia Nayberg

Based on insights from

David Schonthal

Listening: Unleash Your Inner Designer
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You’ve probably heard of “design thinking,” the process for solving problems using the out-of-the-box methods that designers use.

So how can thinking like a designer help you create better products, better services, and better solutions? David Schonthal, a clinical associate professor at Kellogg and senior director at design firm IDEO, is eager to tell you.

On this episode of the podcast, Schonthal shares three basic steps that can empower anybody to harness their inner designer and get results.

Note: The Kellogg Insight podcast is produced for the ear, and not meant to be read as a transcript. We encourage you to listen to the audio version above. However, a transcript of this episode is available here.

Featured Faculty

Clinical Professor of Strategy; Director of Entrepreneurship Programs at Kellogg; Faculty Director of the Zell Fellows Program; Director of the Levy Institute for Entrepreneurial Practice

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