Podcast: Let Your Purpose Guide Your Career
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Careers Social Impact May 10, 2019

Podcast: Let Your Purpose Guide Your Career

How to “align your role with your soul.”

An entrepreneur faces many routes for startup success.

Yevgenia Nayberg

Based on insights from

Nicholas Pearce

Listening: Let Your Purpose Guide Your Career
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At some point in our careers, we all question if we’re truly on the right path. But how can we know for sure? And if we are indeed heading down the wrong road, what can we do about it?

These were the questions that motivated Nicholas Pearce, a clinical professor of management and organizations at Kellogg, to write his new book, The Purpose Path: A Guide to Pursuing Your Authentic Life’s Work.

On this episode of the Kellogg Insight podcast, Pearce shares what his firsthand experiences as a teacher, pastor, and consultant have taught him about finding, and pursuing, one’s purpose. “Sometimes we do need to summon the courage to take the leap,” he says.

Note: The Kellogg Insight podcast is produced for the ear, and not meant to be read as a transcript. We encourage you to listen to the audio version above. However, a transcript of this episode is available here.

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Clinical Professor of Management & Organizations

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