Achal Bassamboo
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Achal Bassamboo

Charles E. Morrison Professor of Decision Sciences; Professor of Operations; Co-Director of MMM Program

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Podcast: How Huy Fong’s Sriracha Went from Hot to Not

When missteps knocked the famous “rooster sauce” off its pedestal, a competitor seized the moment. On this episode of The Insightful Leader: why one brand sizzled and the other fizzled.

Researchers: Achal Bassamboo and James G. Conley

November 12, 2024


There’s a Smarter Way to A/B Test

A new model can help you reduce the length or size of your experiments by as much as 50 percent, for significant cost savings.

Researchers: Vikas Deep, Achal Bassamboo and Sandeep Kumar Juneja

July 1, 2024


Does It Pay to List a Rental at the Last Minute?

Not necessarily. A new study argues that platforms in the sharing economy should incentivize behavior that creates win–wins.

Researchers: Neha Sharma, Sumanta Singha, Milind Sohoni and Achal Bassamboo

June 7, 2023


Product Q&A Forums Hold a Lot of Promise. Here’s How to Make Them Work.

The key to these online communities, where users can ask and answer questions, is how many questions get useful answers.

Researchers: Neha Sharma, Gad Allon and Achal Bassamboo

November 3, 2022


One Healthcare System’s Race to Distribute the COVID-19 Vaccine

A chief medical officer and a supply-chain expert discuss the nuances of the rollout.

Researchers: Achal Bassamboo and Ashwani Bhatia

April 1, 2021


Take 5: How to Be a Savvy Holiday Shopper

Kellogg researchers explain the psychology of consumer decision-making.

Researchers: Achal Bassamboo, Ulf Bockenholt, Alexander Chernev, Ata Jami, Michal Maimaran, Blakeley B. McShane and Yuval Salant

December 6, 2019


Why First Come, First Served Isn’t Always the Best Approach to Customer Service

Is it time to give impatient people their own line?

Researchers: Achal Bassamboo and Ramandeep Randhawa

March 4, 2019


Take 5: What Science Says about Your Summer Vacation

Kellogg faculty explore the psychology and economics of common travel conundrums.

Researchers: Achal Bassamboo, Kent Grayson, Thomas N. Hubbard, Maryam Kouchaki, Martin Lariviere and Derek D. Rucker

July 3, 2018


What Makes an Online Flash Sale Successful?

When ratings and reviews aren’t enough, showing that a deal is popular can convince others to buy.

Researchers: Ruomeng Cui, Dennis J. Zhang and Achal Bassamboo

June 6, 2017


How Open Data Is Changing Chicago

A Q&A with Chicago’s chief data officer about the power of big data.

Researchers: Achal Bassamboo and Tom Schenk

June 20, 2016

Data Analytics

Podcast: What Happens When Employees Are Poached?

How poaching benefits companies and industries, and how you can make yourself more poachable.

Researchers: Evan Barlow, Achal Bassamboo, Gad Allon and Adnan Rukieh

February 29, 2016


Poach Our Employees, Please

How hiring an employee from a related company can directly benefit both the poacher and the poached.

Researchers: Evan Barlow, Gad Allon and Achal Bassamboo

October 5, 2015


Who Benefits from Airline Baggage Fees?

Customers hate them, but maybe they shouldn’t.

Researchers: Gad Allon, Achal Bassamboo and Martin Lariviere

August 3, 2015


A Surprising Secret to Netflix’s Runaway Success

A little uncertainty can go a long way

Researchers: Achal Bassamboo, Sunil Kumar and Ramandeep Randhawa

September 1, 2011


We Will Be Right with You

Managing customers with vague promises

Researchers: Gad Allon, Achal Bassamboo and Itai Gurvich

January 1, 2010


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