Gad Allon
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Gad Allon

Member of the Department of Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences from 2005 to 2016

Product Q&A Forums Hold a Lot of Promise. Here’s How to Make Them Work.

The key to these online communities, where users can ask and answer questions, is how many questions get useful answers.

Researchers: Neha Sharma, Gad Allon and Achal Bassamboo

November 3, 2022


Podcast: What Happens When Employees Are Poached?

How poaching benefits companies and industries, and how you can make yourself more poachable.

Researchers: Evan Barlow, Achal Bassamboo, Gad Allon and Adnan Rukieh

February 29, 2016


A Gentle Nudge Can Increase Participation in MOOCs

Reminders to collaborate benefit students in massive open online courses.

Researchers: Dennis J. Zhang, Gad Allon and Jan A. Van Mieghem

December 7, 2015


Poach Our Employees, Please

How hiring an employee from a related company can directly benefit both the poacher and the poached.

Researchers: Evan Barlow, Gad Allon and Achal Bassamboo

October 5, 2015


Who Benefits from Airline Baggage Fees?

Customers hate them, but maybe they shouldn’t.

Researchers: Gad Allon, Achal Bassamboo and Martin Lariviere

August 3, 2015


How Much Is Your Customer's Time Worth?

If you are in fast food, a surprising amount

Researchers: Gad Allon, Awi Federgruen and Margaret Pierson

October 1, 2012


Cutting in Line

Flexible queuing systems may improve customer service

Researchers: Gad Allon and Eran Hanany

November 1, 2011


We Will Be Right with You

Managing customers with vague promises

Researchers: Gad Allon, Achal Bassamboo and Itai Gurvich

January 1, 2010


Global Dual Sourcing Strategies

Should you source your carbon fiber bicycle frames from Mexico or China?

Researchers: Gad Allon and Jan A. Van Mieghem

June 1, 2009


Firm Size and Service Level

When is it advantageous for a service-oriented firm to differentiate itself along service-quality dimensions?

Researchers: Gad Allon and Itai Gurvich

September 1, 2008
