How Auctions Help Solve Some of the World’s Most Complicated Problems
Whenever you turn your lights on, query Google, or stream a video on your phone, it’s likely an auction happened in the background. Our faculty discuss the decades of research that helped make auctions so ubiquitous.
Researchers: Robert Weber, Jeroen Swinkels, Sandeep Baliga, James Schummer and Joshua Mollner
November 11, 2020
Is There a Better Way to Allocate Organs to Transplant Patients?
Two ideas for changing a system where people linger on waitlists while kidneys spoil.
Researchers: Chaithanya Bandi, Nikolaos Trichakis, Phebe Vayanos and James Schummer
December 2, 2016
Maximize the Returns, Lower the Risk
Using the right tools to grow savings and improve investment outcomes.
Researchers: Benjamin Iverson, James Schummer and Willemien Kets
March 2, 2015
Which Plane Lands Last?
The tricky science of weather delays and airport landing slots
Researchers: James Schummer and Rakesh Vohra
May 3, 2012