Jan A. Van Mieghem
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Jan A. Van Mieghem

A. C. Buehler Professor; Professor of Operations

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Take 5: Research-Backed Tips for Scheduling Your Day

Kellogg faculty offer ideas for working smarter and not harder.

Researchers: Maryam Kouchaki, Maria Ibanez, Nicola Persico, Robert L. Bray, Jan A. Van Mieghem, Itai Gurvich and and coauthors

April 1, 2023


Take 5: How to Become an Expert in Something New

Turns out, there’s a “special sauce” that can help you get there. But expertise can also come with a curse.

Researchers: Jan A. Van Mieghem, Brian Uzzi, Luis Rayo, Lu Liu, Jillian Chown, Dashun Wang, Matthew D. Rocklage, Derek D. Rucker, Loran Nordgren and Steven Franconeri

October 25, 2021


Looking to Further Digitize Your Operations? This Tool Can Help.

There’s no single solution or easy answer. But you can use this framework to audit your efforts and figure out your next move.

Researchers: Jan A. Van Mieghem and Robert Boute

June 18, 2021


Do Doctors Who Supervise Residents Spend Less Time with Patients?

Data from two ERs suggest that patients at teaching hospitals aren’t losing out on face time with senior physicians.

Researchers: Ernest Wang, Yue Yin, Itai Gurvich, Morris Kharasch, Clifford Rice, Jared Novack, Christine Babcock, James Ahn, Steven Bowman and Jan A. Van Mieghem

January 2, 2020


Take 5: How to Increase Your Office's Productivity

Research-backed tips for improving workflows and discouraging slacking.

Researchers: Michael Powell, Robert L. Bray, Nicola Persico, George Georgiadis, Jan A. Van Mieghem and Chaithanya Bandi

July 5, 2019


Take 5: How to Build a Collaborative Workplace

Simple strategies for reaping the benefits of collaboration.

Researchers: Benjamin F. Jones, J. Keith Murnighan, Leigh Thompson, Brian Uzzi, Jan A. Van Mieghem and Dashun Wang

March 13, 2019


What’s the Best Way to Learn a New Skill—by Doing or by Viewing?

An analysis of eBay coders shows that studying a colleague’s work can pay off. Just be careful whose shoulder you’re looking over.

Researchers: Yue Yin, Itai Gurvich, Stephanie McReynolds, Debora Seys and Jan A. Van Mieghem

February 4, 2019


Attention Passengers: Your Next Flight Will Likely Arrive Early. Here’s Why.

The reason has less to do with planes and airport logistics than a strategic move by airlines.

Researchers: Dennis J. Zhang, Yuval Salant and Jan A. Van Mieghem

November 6, 2018


How “Speed Factories” Help Companies Adapt to Capricious Consumers

For certain trendy products, these local but expensive plants can be a smart investment.

Researchers: Robert Boute, Stephen M. Disney and Jan A. Van Mieghem

July 3, 2018


How Much Does It Cost to Manufacture Overseas Versus at Home?

A new tool helps companies calculate whether to offshore, manufacture locally, or dual source.

Researchers: Robert Boute and Jan A. Van Mieghem

July 10, 2017


How to Predict Demand for Your New Product

Relying on manager expertise and market research may not be enough.

Researchers: Kejia Hu, Jason Acimovic, Francisco Erize, Doug Thomas and Jan A. Van Mieghem

March 10, 2017


A Gentle Nudge Can Increase Participation in MOOCs

Reminders to collaborate benefit students in massive open online courses.

Researchers: Dennis J. Zhang, Gad Allon and Jan A. Van Mieghem

December 7, 2015


When Collaboration Takes a Toll on Productivity

A look at the cost of collaboration among highly skilled workers.

Researchers: Jan A. Van Mieghem, Itai Gurvich, Lu Wang and Kevin J. O'Leary

July 6, 2015

From Web Visits to Firm Orders

Analyzing web visitor click data to streamline sales efforts

Researchers: Tingliang Huang and Jan A. Van Mieghem

December 1, 2010


Global Dual Sourcing Strategies

Should you source your carbon fiber bicycle frames from Mexico or China?

Researchers: Gad Allon and Jan A. Van Mieghem

June 1, 2009
