Lauren Rivera
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Lauren Rivera

Professor of Management & Organizations; Professor of Sociology, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences (Courtesy)

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The Supreme Court Ended Race-Conscious Admissions. A Sociologist Who Studies Bias in Elite Spaces Is Worried about the Ramifications.

“The decision represents a fundamental misunderstanding or misrecognition of what we know from science about how discrimination works.”

Researchers: Lauren Rivera

June 30, 2023


For Students with Disabilities, Discrimination Starts Before They Even Enter School

Public-school principals are less welcoming to prospective families with disabled children—particularly when they’re Black.

Researchers: Lauren Rivera and András Tilcsik

March 3, 2023


How Leaders Can Truly Improve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Their Organizations

Two professors share research-backed tips for rethinking your recruiting efforts and getting the most out of diversity training.

Researchers: Ivuoma Ngozi Onyeador and Lauren Rivera

April 14, 2021


Stop Hiring for “Cultural Fit”

When you prioritize candidates you “click with,” you run the risk of discriminating against candidates from different backgrounds. Here’s how to change course.

Researchers: Lauren Rivera

August 4, 2020


Numeric Performance Reviews Can Be Biased Against Women

The ten-point scale favors men in some situations. But a simple change to the rating system can level the playing field.

Researchers: Lauren Rivera and András Tilcsik

August 1, 2019


Take 5: Tips for Widening—and Improving—Your Candidate Pool

Common biases can cause companies to overlook a wealth of top talent.

Researchers: Lauren Rivera, Paola Sapienza, J. Keith Murnighan, Michael J. Mazzeo, Efraim Benmelech, Carola Frydman and Nicola Persico

September 7, 2018


A Tilted Playing Field

New research finds bias in elite professional services hiring.

Researchers: Lauren Rivera

May 1, 2015


Hirable Like Me

Interviewers favor applicants who remind them of themselves

Researchers: Lauren Rivera

April 3, 2013


Sizing Up the Nightlife

A study of status distinction

Researchers: Lauren Rivera

June 1, 2010