Policy & the Economy

March 3, 2014
Corporate Activism Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
An interview about how social movements continue to shape corporate behavior.
Brayden King and Klaus Weber

February 3, 2014
The Rise of Private Regulation in Global Commerce
Here’s how business leaders can address the resulting risks
Daniel Diermeier

January 8, 2014
Statistics That Hurt
Racial discrimination still affects Black workers’ wages
Roland G. Fryer Jr., Devah Pager and Jörg L. Spenkuch
January 8, 2014
Making the Grade
Some students are disadvantaged in the culture of higher education—but there may be a simple remedy
Nicole Stephens, MarYam Hamedani and Mesmin Destin
December 13, 2013
A Year at the FTC
Combinations, conduct, and competition in healthcare
Leemore S. Dafny
December 9, 2013
Plenty of Costs, Plenty of Benefits
A Q&A with Craig Garthwaite about the new insurance exchanges
Craig Garthwaite
December 9, 2013
Acquiring the Competition
Does Obamacare encourage healthcare providers to consolidate?
David Dranove
October 7, 2013
Looking Good for the Regulators
Efforts to avoid regulator scrutiny come with downsides
Severin Borenstein, Meghan Busse and Ryan Kellogg
August 5, 2013
Freed from Employment Lock
Obamacare may lead people to choose to leave the labor market.
Craig Garthwaite, Tal Gross and Matthew J. Notowidigdo
August 5, 2013
The Risks and Rewards of Experience Abroad
Do past international investments help or hurt a company’s chances of succeeding in a new market?
Susan E. Perkins
July 1, 2013
The Games Companies and Activists Play
When is corporate activism most effective?
Jose Miguel Abito, David A. Besanko and Daniel Diermeier

June 3, 2013
The Importance of Appearing Savvy
Women especially benefit from knowing market rates for car repairs
Meghan Busse, Ayelet Israeli and Florian Zettelmeyer
April 4, 2013
Teaming Up to Cash In
How does competition work in the venture capital industry?
Yael V Hochberg, Michael J. Mazzeo and Ryan McDevitt
March 13, 2013
Who Wants to Be First Mate On a Sinking Ship?
Companies in financial distress have trouble attracting the talent they need to right themselves
Jennifer Brown and David A. Matsa
March 4, 2013
Being Smarter with CSR
This special issue devoted to corporate social responsibility (CSR), with articles written by our faculty, was published in conjunction with the Kellogg-Aspen Conference
Nicola Persico
March 4, 2013
The Hidden Drivers of Corporate Sustainability Initiatives
Understanding the impact of everyday interactions can help rally support for initiatives.
Klaus Weber
February 1, 2013
Mapping Toxicity
Bringing transparency to risk assessment
Markus K. Brunnermeier, Gary B. Gorton and Arvind Krishnamurthy
January 2, 2013
What Gas Stations Tell Us about the Ups and Downs of Consumer Demand
How do industries react to demand shocks?
Jeffrey R. Campbell and Thomas N. Hubbard
December 1, 2012
"Equity Tunneling" Affects Market Outcomes
Securities regulation can boost share price
Vladimir Atanasov, Bernard S. Black, Conrad Ciccotello and Stanley Gyoshev
November 1, 2012
All in the Family
Grantmaking of family and non-family foundations differ in predictable ways
Razvan Lungeanu and John L. Ward
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