Policy & the Economy

November 1, 2012
Which Form of Government Is Best?
Democracies may not outlast dictatorships, but they adapt better.
Daron Acemoglu, Georgy Egorov and Konstantin Sonin
November 1, 2012
Why Are Presidents Less Effective than Prime Ministers?
Using game theory to model political systems leads to surprising insights.
Daniel Diermeier, Pohan Fong and Razvan Vlaicu
October 1, 2012
Balancing Results and Revenue
Tweaking keyword auctions to benefit search engines and Internet users
Song Yao and Carl F. Mela

September 4, 2012
Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling
Women lend women a helping hand to obtain top positions
David A. Matsa and Amalia R. Miller
September 4, 2012
Braggarts Become Leaders
Women at a disadvantage when competing for leadership positions
Ernesto Reuben, Pedro Rey-Biel, Paola Sapienza and Luigi Zingales
August 3, 2012
The Low Cost of Capturing Carbon
A climate-friendly technology may be cheaper than we thought
Özge İşlegen and Stefan J. Reichelstein
August 3, 2012
Who Wins with the Smart Grid?
Uncertain economics cloud the grid’s future
Luciano de Castro and Joísa Dutra
June 4, 2012
When Hospitals Turn Away Ambulances
Uncovering flaws in a policy intended to prevent ER overcrowding
Sarang Deo and Itai Gurvich
June 4, 2012
Will Doctors Work Less Under “Obamacare”?
The effect of lower reimbursements on the medical workforce
Craig Garthwaite
June 4, 2012
How Poverty Damages Health
Anti-poverty programs boost recipients’ well-being
William Evans and Craig Garthwaite
May 3, 2012
Which Plane Lands Last?
The tricky science of weather delays and airport landing slots
James Schummer and Rakesh Vohra
May 2, 2012
The Impending Pension Problem
Pension liabilities are a massive hidden debt
Joshua Rauh and Robert Novy-Marx
May 2, 2012
A Strategy for Peace
How world leaders should react to provocateurs
Sandeep Baliga and Tomas Sjöström

April 2, 2012
The Oprah Effect
Celebrity endorsement of political candidates can make a difference at the polls.
Craig Garthwaite and Timothy Moore
March 5, 2012
Patients, Pricing, and Prescription Drugs
Maximizing social benefit from the Medicaid drug program
Peter Klibanoff and Tapas Kundu
March 5, 2012
Making Up Our Minds
When are people individuals and when are they part of a group?
Adam Waytz and Liane Young
February 2, 2012
The Theory of Planning a Successful Economic Recovery
Understanding coordination games is key
József Sákovics and Jakub Steiner
January 2, 2012
Solving a Pricey Riddle
How monetary policy influences the economy
Martin Eichenbaum, Nir Jaimovich and Sergio Rebelo
January 1, 2012
Just What the Market Ordered
How malpractice lawsuits punish negligent doctors
David Dranove, Subramaniam Ramanarayanan and Yasutora Watanabe
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