Policy & the Economy

May 5, 2014
Happy Voters or Happy Outcomes?
In corporations, academia, and the papal conclave, transparent voting and voter privacy interact in surprisingly complex ways.
Ronen Gradwohl
September 4, 2012
Braggarts Become Leaders
Women at a disadvantage when competing for leadership positions
Ernesto Reuben, Pedro Rey-Biel, Paola Sapienza and Luigi Zingales

April 2, 2012
The Oprah Effect
Celebrity endorsement of political candidates can make a difference at the polls.
Craig Garthwaite and Timothy Moore
November 1, 2010
A Populist Paradox
Populist policies may harm voters but reward leaders
Daron Acemoglu, Georgy Egorov and Konstantin Sonin

October 1, 2010
First Among Equals?
Prime ballot position improves a candidate’s chances of winning office.
Marc Meredith and Yuval Salant

May 1, 2009
The "Teddy Bear Effect" for Black CEOs
Black male CEOS are more successful when their facial features are perceived as less threatening.
Robert W. Livingston and Nicholas Pearce
April 18, 2007
Majority Rules
Group design influences the information that members share, says David Austen-Smith, who is identifying incentives to speak the truth
David Austen-Smith and Timothy Feddersen
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