Politics & Elections
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Donkey and elephant write on computers
June 1, 2021

Civil Servants Often Work for Administrations They Disagree with Politically. How Does This Affect Their Job Performance?

While the benefits of insulating career bureaucrats are clear, new research explores whether there are downsides, too.

Politician and businessman congratulate each other at party.
February 1, 2021

Do Powerful Politicians Play Favorites with Their Corporate Friends?

A new study examines the power of public scrutiny to keep high-ranking officials in check.

people engage in conflict with swords
October 29, 2020

The Political Divide in America Goes Beyond Polarization and Tribalism

These days, political identity functions a lot like religious identity.

A man talks into another man's ear as money flies from his mouth
October 5, 2020

When Executives Donate to Politicians, How Much Are They Keeping Their Companies’ Interests in Mind?

A new study looks at the motivation behind these donations, which make up nearly a fifth of all political giving.

New evidence examines how desegregation in Louisville shifted white voters' political views in the long term.
September 1, 2020

How Did School Desegregation Shape the Political Ideology of White Students Later in Life?

A new study suggests that, more than four decades later, the impact of these policies on political leanings is apparent.

August 3, 2020

Why Are Social Media Platforms Still So Bad at Combating Misinformation?

Facebook, Twitter, and users themselves have few incentives to distinguish fact from fiction.

Public court records shed new light on judges' decision-making and the granting of petitions.
July 10, 2020

Why We Know So Little about Disparities within the Federal Court System—and How That’s Finally Changing

Millions of hard-to-obtain public court records shed new light on the fairness of the U.S. judiciary.

Donald Trump speaks to a crowd.
August 13, 2019

When People Think Their Neighbors Support Trump, They’re More Likely to Express Anti-immigrant Views

Social norms are powerful—but fluid. A study of the 2016 election shows how they can change.

Negative economic news can lead voters to perceive women as less capable candidates.
July 1, 2019

Are Voters Biased Against Female Politicians?

In many cases, no. But economic anxiety can ignite powerful gender stereotypes.

Toy soldiers and artillery prepare to charge forward on a strategy game board.
June 3, 2019

One Nation Invades Another. What Will Happen Next?

Game theory reveals why some conflicts escalate and others don’t.

a gymnast flips in a twitter bird spotlight
January 17, 2019

Which Gold Medalists Do We Tweet About? Liberals and Conservatives Differ

New research explores how political ideology can affect whose accomplishments we celebrate.

A person votes on Medicaid expansion.
January 7, 2019

Which Voters Want to Expand Medicaid? Maybe Not the Ones You Think

4-year degree-holders tend to be big supporters—even though they are personally unlikely to benefit.

Lawmakers discuss legislation in the Capitol building as lightning and dark clouds gather outside.
January 3, 2019

Politicians Vote Differently When Journalists Aren’t Watching

During natural disasters, the media spotlight shifts—and special interests benefit.

Election rules affect outcome
October 30, 2018

Take 5: Election Rules and Campaign Tactics That Sway Voters

A look at whether celebrity endorsements matter, why the top spot on a ballot is coveted, and more election research from Kellogg faculty.

Voters who do not trust each other.
September 4, 2018

Why Economic Crises Trigger Political Turnover in Some Countries but Not Others

The fallout can hinge on how much a country’s people trust each other.

A person faces a moral choice.
August 2, 2018

Why a Choice Doesn’t Feel Like a Choice When Morality Enters the Picture

A new study explains why heroes always say, “I just did what anybody would do.”

Election rules affect outcome
June 7, 2018

Why Certain Types of Elections Favor Extreme Candidates

Winners can differ when voting is done by district versus at-large.

Do corporate political donations buy influence in campaigns.
September 5, 2017

When Corporations Donate to Candidates, Are They Buying Influence?

The surprising result suggests the need to rethink the role of money in politics.

If the Electoral College was abolished, voters would see different political ads
May 6, 2016

Abandoning the Electoral College Would Remake Campaign Spending

A direct-vote system could have a sizeable impact on the behaviors of voters and candidates.

Political ads on TV attempt to influence a viewer.
January 4, 2016

To Rally Your Base, Buy Air Time

How political advertising is a zero-sum game.

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