Diversity in Teams
Kellogg has a deep commitment to diversity through every aspect of our school, including students, faculty, administration and alumni. Here we share an assortment of our most popular diversity articles, which applies the research and expertise of our faculty to the broader business community.
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Are You Giving All of Your Employees an Equal Chance to Succeed?
Make sure your organization is truly inclusive by following these three steps.
Nicole Stephens
February 6, 2020

How to Make Inclusivity More Than Just an Office Buzzword
Tips for turning good intentions into actions.
Ellen Taaffe
January 4, 2019

Social Impact
What’s Keeping Corporate Boards from Becoming More Diverse
And what leaders can do to change that.
Sophia Shaw and Angelique Power
September 3, 2019

Finance & Accounting
Yes, Investors Care About Gender Diversity
By recruiting more women, tech and finance companies stand to add millions to their stock value.
David Daniels, Jennifer Dannals, Thomas Lys and Margaret A. Neale
March 2, 2020

Take 5: Tips for Widening—and Improving—Your Candidate Pool
Common biases can cause companies to overlook a wealth of top talent.
Lauren Rivera, Paola Sapienza, J. Keith Murnighan, Michael J. Mazzeo, Efraim Benmelech, Carola Frydman and Nicola Persico
September 7, 2018

How to Make Economic Development More Inclusive
Two finance experts discuss the need to tailor strategies to specific underserved communities.
Janice C. Eberly and Don Graves
May 8, 2018

Social Impact
“If You’re Inconsistent, You’re Toast.”
Companies serious about social impact are taking a deliberate stand on issues in line with their core business.
Megan Kashner and Shannon Schuyler
May 8, 2017

How Are Black–White Biracial People Perceived in Terms of Race?
Understanding the answer—and why black and white Americans may perceive biracial people differently—is increasingly important in a multiracial society.
Arnold K. Ho, Nour Kteily and J. M. Chen
December 6, 2017

How Diverse Should Your Team Be?
NBA data point to a sweet spot in balancing diversity and similarity of skills.
Edward (Ned) Smith and Yuan Hou
February 2, 2015

Is Your Company Culture Too Strong?
A diversity of viewpoints can help organizations weather disruption.
Willemien Kets and Alvaro Sandroni
July 6, 2015
Navigating the Multigenerational Workplace
Leaders should treat generational diversity as an asset, not a liability.
April 28, 2015

Leaders Do Matter—But When Does Their Gender Matter, Too?
Countries with high levels of ethnic diversity often suffer from slow economic growth—unless there is a woman in charge
Susan E. Perkins, Katherine W. Phillips and Nicholas Pearce
December 5, 2013

Want to Work in Science? Men Have the Advantage
How gender discrimination affects hiring
Ernesto Reuben, Paola Sapienza and Luigi Zingales
March 10, 2014

Corporate Culture—Not Lip Service—Counts
Establishing a bona fide “culture of integrity” can be costly for a corporation, but the economic returns are real
Luigi Guiso, Paola Sapienza and Luigi Zingales
November 4, 2013

Better Decisions Through Diversity
Heterogeneity can boost group performance.
Katherine W. Phillips, Katie A. Liljenquist and Margaret A. Neale
October 1, 2010