Special Collection: Healthcare at Kellogg
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Special Collection: Healthcare at Kellogg

Today’s healthcare landscape is complex. Luckily, Healthcare at Kellogg faculty have the latest research and insights to offer answers. Enjoy these articles and podcasts from Kellogg Insight below–and be sure to watch Healthcare at Kellogg: Innovating the Future of Our Healthcare System now available online.


Podcast: Introducing Insight Unpacked, Season 2

American Healthcare and Its Web of Misaligned Incentives

Dermatologist and robot look at patient's head

What Happens When We Give Doctors an AI Assistant?

Machine-learning systems can improve physicians’ accuracy at diagnosing dermatological diseases. But even with AI assistance, physicians struggle to close the accuracy gap between light- and dark-skinned patients.

doctors offices in small nodules

Will AI Eventually Replace Doctors?

Maybe not entirely. But the doctor–patient relationship is likely to change dramatically.

person in health clinic looking at poster of anthropomorphic virus

How Humanizing Disease Could Be a New Public Health Tool

Anthropomorphizing a disease changes how we feel about it—and the steps we take to avoid it.

patient hides cigarette behind back from doctor

How Social Stigma Can Dissuade Us from Taking Care of Our Health

A new study explores the decisions that go into seeking preventative care.

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