What Empathy Does for Business Leaders
Kellogg has a rich history of developing leaders with empathy and producing significant research on this topic. Related research from our faculty spans natural areas like management, organizational behavior, and marketing—but also less obvious areas like accounting, game theory, economics, and finance.
In celebration of the new Kabiller Science of Empathy Prize, which is intended to advance the understanding of human empathy, we have compiled a sampling of Kellogg faculty research and insights on the topic of empathy and why it matters for business leaders.
The prize will be awarded to a Kellogg faculty member who has conducted novel research that advances analytical and rigorous critical thinking about human empathy, understanding, and trust. The prize will also recognize a Kellogg alumnus who demonstrates exceptional empathy. For more on the prize and our call for alumni nominations, please visit the Kabiller Science of Empathy Prize page.
How Much Empathy Do You Feel When Powerful People Suffer?
What about less powerful people? Your answers likely depend on how egalitarian you are.
Brian Lucas and Nour Kteily
June 4, 2018
Why Bosses Cut Some Employees Slack for Unethical Behavior
The same transgression can lead to different consequences. Here’s one reason why.
Yajun Zhang, Kai Chi Yam, Maryam Kouchaki and Junwei Zhang
May 1, 2018
Why Leaders Should Nurture Their Social–Emotional Intelligence
These four skills can diffuse conflict, particularly within family businesses.
Brooke Vuckovic
April 4, 2016
I (Don’t) Feel Your Pain
Having been there does not always increase empathy.
Rachel Ruttan, Mary Hunter-McDonnell and Loran Nordgren
October 5, 2015
Downplaying Social Pain
Snubs and rejections hurt worse than others think they do
Loran Nordgren, Kasia Banas and Geoff McDonald
September 1, 2011