The Insightful Leader Live: Know Your Customers' Mindset
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The Insightful Leader Live

A series of live, virtual events providing an hour of critical leadership and business insights from a Kellogg professor.

Archived Webinar Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Insightful Leader Live: Know Your Customers’ Mindset

Marketers rightly pay a lot of attention to their customers’ needs. After all, needs drive consumption, and if you know what needs your customers have, you’ll be better able to serve them. But how often do you consider your customers’ psychological needs, or their mindset? In this complimentary webinar, Kellogg marketing professor Angela Lee will explore lesser-known findings from consumer psychology. She’ll explain some of the fundamental drivers of human behavior, as well as positioning and communication strategies that may help you appeal to the right people at the right time.

Angela Lee is the Mechthild Esser Nemmers Professor of Marketing and the Faculty Director of the Golub Capital Social Impact Lab at Kellogg. Dr. Lee is a consumer psychologist with expertise in consumer learning, emotions, and motivation. Her research focuses on understanding how consumers make decisions, what motivates them, and how to affect behavioral change. She studies these topics in different contexts—for instance, finding ways to encourage green consumption or to improve public safety during the pandemic.


View Angela’s customer mindset Powerpoint deck from the webinar here.

Insight Unpacked, Season 2

Listen to Insight Unpacked, “American Healthcare and Its Web of Misaligned Incentives." All episodes now available.

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