Angela Y. Lee
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Angela Y. Lee

Mechthild Esser Nemmers Professor of Marketing; Faculty Director, Golub Capital Social Impact Lab

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Podcast: Get Inside Your Customer’s Mind

On this episode of The Insightful Leader: how understanding consumer mindsets can help you make the sale.

Researchers: Angela Y. Lee

December 21, 2023

5 Mindsets That Drive Consumer Behavior

“Fixed” and “growth” aren’t the only mindsets out there. A Kellogg marketing professor explains the surprising ways that our mental states can influence what we buy.

Researchers: Angela Y. Lee

December 1, 2023


Take 5: What We’ve Learned about Tackling Public-Health Crises

Covid-era research sheds light on how policymakers can guide the economy and the public through future emergencies.

Researchers: Scott R. Baker, Efraim Benmelech, Paola Sapienza, Angela Y. Lee, Benjamin F. Jones, Ryan Hill, Dashun Wang and and coauthors

January 21, 2023


The Psychological Factor That Helps Shape Our Moral Decision-Making

We all have a preferred motivation style. When that aligns with how we’re approaching a specific goal, it can impact how ethical we are in sticky situations.

Researchers: Chethana Achar and Angela Y. Lee

May 3, 2022


Psychological Factors—More Than Demographics—Drive Vaccine Behavior

The finding gives policymakers and medical professionals an important tool.

Researchers: Angela Y. Lee, Jane Jiaqian Wang, Ulf Bockenholt, Leonard Lee, Rafal Ohme and Catherine Yeung

February 2, 2022


Does Distance Make the Consumer’s Heart Grow Fonder?

New research finds that how far we’re standing from a product changes what we think of it.

Researchers: Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, Chun-Tuan Chang and Angela Y. Lee

January 4, 2022


How to Convince People the Virus Is Scary, and Other Lessons from Consumer Research

Researchers are rushing to make sense of the current moment. We spoke with the editor of a leading journal about what her colleagues are up to.

Researchers: Angela Y. Lee

January 11, 2021


“Stay Healthy” or “Keep Safe”: Which Social-Distancing Messages Are the Most Persuasive?

The answer depends on whether people are thinking about protecting themselves or their community.

Researchers: Jane Jiaqian Wang and Angela Y. Lee

January 4, 2021


Take 5: Election Rules and Campaign Tactics That Sway Voters

A look at whether celebrity endorsements matter, why the top spot on a ballot is coveted, and more election research from Kellogg faculty.

Researchers: Craig Garthwaite, Angela Y. Lee, Yuval Salant, Georgy Egorov and Jörg L. Spenkuch

October 30, 2018

Politics & Elections

What Chinese Consumers Want

Western Companies doing business in China need to ask the right questions.

Researchers: Angela Y. Lee

September 8, 2015

What Donors Need to Hear to Open the Checkbook

Insights from marketing on how charities can grow by appealing to different kinds of donors.

Researchers: Kelly Goldsmith, Aparna Labroo, Angela Y. Lee and Derek D. Rucker

December 1, 2014


Leave My Brand Alone

What happens when the brands we favor come under attack?

Researchers: Monika Lisjak, Angela Y. Lee and Wendi L. Gardner

January 2, 2013


Engineered Electioneering

The “when” and “what” of candidates’ messages.

Researchers: Hakkyun Kim, Akshay R. Rao and Angela Y. Lee

October 1, 2010


The Art of Persuasion

Aligning consumer goals with level of abstraction

Researchers: Angela Y. Lee, Punam Anand Keller and Brian Sternthal

October 1, 2009


Healthy Choices

Do people prefer the carrot or the stick?

Researchers: Angela Y. Lee and Jennifer L. Aaker

December 1, 2007


Mixed Messages

Context is critical to make advertising dollars deliver best return, says Kellogg School marketing scholar

Researchers: Angela Y. Lee and Aparna Labroo

April 14, 2007


Seeking Pleasure? Or Avoiding Pain?

It all depends upon how customers view themselves

Researchers: Jennifer L. Aaker and Angela Y. Lee

April 6, 2007


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