Jeroen Swinkels
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Insight Unpacked Season 2, "American Healthcare and Its Web of Misaligned Incentives" | Listen Now

Jeroen Swinkels

Richard M. Paget Professor of Management Policy; Professor of Strategy

Kellogg Faculty Page →

Is Your Team Playing It Too Safe?

Fear of failure can stifle innovation. A new study shows how to incentivize people to tackle those high-risk, high-reward projects.

Researchers: Hector Chade and Jeroen Swinkels

July 24, 2024


Consumers Lose Out When Health Insurers Offer Lots of Plans

While extra choices are usually considered a good thing, insurers are able to use them strategically to maximize profits.

Researchers: Hector Chade, Victoria Marone, Amanda Starc and Jeroen Swinkels

February 2, 2023


How Auctions­ Help Solve Some of the World’s Most Complicated Problems

Whenever you turn your lights on, query Google, or stream a video on your phone, it’s likely an auction happened in the background. Our faculty discuss the decades of research that helped make auctions so ubiquitous.

Researchers: Robert Weber, Jeroen Swinkels, Sandeep Baliga, James Schummer and Joshua Mollner

November 11, 2020


Take 5: How to Motivate Employees

Research sheds light on which employee incentives work best.

Researchers: Rongzhu Ke, Jin Li, Michael Powell, Daniel Barron, George Georgiadis, Jeroen Swinkels, Todd A. Gormley, David A. Matsa, Julia D. Hur, Loran Nordgren and Erika Deserranno

July 5, 2017


Finding the Right Performance Incentives to Motivate Employees

Some incentive schemes encourage hard work—others reward those who game the system.

Researchers: Daniel Barron, George Georgiadis and Jeroen Swinkels

October 10, 2016


Minimum Wage Matters

Increasing the minimum wage may not help low-wage workers

Researchers: Ohad Kadan and Jeroen Swinkels

June 1, 2010
