Joshua Mollner
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Joshua Mollner

Associate Professor of Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences

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Investing Over-the-Counter—and Under the Radar

In most markets, buyers and sellers benefit from soliciting many offers. New research shows why the opposite is true for OTC traders.

Researchers: Markus Baldauf and Joshua Mollner

December 11, 2023


How Auctions­ Help Solve Some of the World’s Most Complicated Problems

Whenever you turn your lights on, query Google, or stream a video on your phone, it’s likely an auction happened in the background. Our faculty discuss the decades of research that helped make auctions so ubiquitous.

Researchers: Robert Weber, Jeroen Swinkels, Sandeep Baliga, James Schummer and Joshua Mollner

November 11, 2020


What Is “Auction Theory,” and What Kinds of Questions Can It Answer?

The recent Nobel put the field of auction theory in the spotlight. An economist explains how it works, using his own research as a guide.

Researchers: Paul Milgrom and Joshua Mollner

October 29, 2020


Some High-Frequency Trading Strategies Can Damage the Stock Market’s Health

But a small tweak to how trading orders are processed could help.

Researchers: Markus Baldauf and Joshua Mollner

September 3, 2019
