Ravi Jagannathan
CME Group/John F. Sandner Professor of Finance; Co-Director, Financial Institutions and Markets Research Center
Consider This New Measure of Profitability When Constructing Your Portfolio
Researchers construct an intangibles-adjusted profitability measure that can benefit investors.
Researchers: Ravi Jagannathan, Robert Korajczyk and Kai Wang
May 18, 2023
What Is the Purpose of a Corporation Today?
Has anything changed in the three years since the Business Roundtable declared firms should prioritize more than shareholders?
Researchers: Aaron Yoon, Ravi Jagannathan, Carola Frydman, Robert Korajczyk and José Maria Liberti
January 17, 2023
Take 5: What Good Does It Do a Company to Do Good?
Kellogg faculty look at how ESG initiatives are received by investors, customers, and employees.
Researchers: Aaron Yoon, Ravi Jagannathan, Jacob D. Teeny, Alexander Chernev, Brayden King and and coauthors
January 4, 2022
Understanding the Rapidly Evolving World of Sustainable Finance
It’s no longer a niche investment strategy—and it has the potential to deliver strong returns.
Researchers: Ravi Jagannathan, David Chen, Brian Bruce and Lloyd Kurtz
February 17, 2021
Take 5: What Previous Recessions Can Teach Us about the Coronavirus Crisis
From stimulus strategies to how businesses will fare, research on past downturns can help inform our outlook today.
Researchers: Ravi Jagannathan, Filippo Mezzanotti, Sara Moreira, Jacopo Ponticelli and Scott R. Baker
March 24, 2020
Is Maximizing Shareholder Value a Thing of the Past?
Top CEOs recently “redefined” the purpose of a corporation. Kellogg faculty weigh in.
Researchers: Carola Frydman, Ravi Jagannathan, Robert Korajczyk, José Maria Liberti and Aaron Yoon
September 19, 2019
Take 5: What's in Your Investment Portfolio?
Here’s what our faculty have to say about assessing new stocks, investing in green companies—and the benefits of benign neglect.
Researchers: David Chen, Janice C. Eberly, Ravi Jagannathan, Robert Korajczyk, Matthew R. Lyle and Louis Simpson
June 7, 2018
The Case for Investing in Green Companies
Sustainably minded firms are more likely to withstand industry shake-ups.
Researchers: Ravi Jagannathan, Ashwin Ravikumar and Marco Sammon
May 2, 2018
Why Do Companies Turn Down Profitable Investments?
Limited organizational bandwidth can restrict managers’ options.
Researchers: Ravi Jagannathan, David A. Matsa, Iwan Meier and Veha Tarhan
July 6, 2017
What Really Spurred the Great Recession?
Globalization and the U.S. dollar are as much to blame as banks.
Researchers: Ravi Jagannathan, Mudit Kapoor and Ernst Schaumburg
July 1, 2013
Why Do IPO Auctions Fail?
‘Free riders’ and the ‘winner’s curse’ can lead to less-than-desirable outcomes. But some auction features can lend transparency to the traditional IPO approach.
Researchers: Ravi Jagannathan and Ann E. Sherman
May 1, 2007