Kellogg on Sustainability
A collection of research and insights from Kellogg faculty on how business leaders and society can foster sustainability.
Join the conversation about the future of sustainability in business (and beyond) by tweeting us @KelloggSchool.

Climate Change Is Transforming the Economy. How Will Your Company Adapt?
“Until organizations learn to internalize the threat, they’re in danger of falling behind.”
Klaus Weber
March 21, 2019

Finance & Accounting
Many Funds Have Committed to Socially Responsible Investing—But Few Are Following Through
As money flows into ESG funds, new evidence shows that most asset managers aren’t actually changing their investment behaviors.
Soohun Kim and Aaron Yoon
March 18, 2020

Social Impact
Podcast: Designing Social Impact Programs That (Really) Work
On this episode of The Insightful Leader: if a business is to survive in the long run, it’s no longer enough to make small changes to address inequality and climate change.
Megan Kashner
March 30, 2020

Social Impact
Some Companies Actually Do See Financial Returns on Their Social Investments. Here’s What They Have in Common.
A new study finds that ESG investments—when paired with high employee satisfaction—boost stock performance.
Kyle Welch and Aaron Yoon
June 9, 2020

Social Impact
Does It Pay Off to Invest in Companies That Engage in Sustainable Practices?
New research helps to quantify the value of “ESG” initiatives.
Mozaffar Khan, George Serafeim and Aaron Yoon
November 6, 2018

Going Green Can Be Good for the Bottom Line
Sustainable operations and greater growth can go hand in hand.
Özge İşlegen
January 4, 2016

Social Impact
Take 5: How Companies Benefit from Corporate Social Responsibility
CSR is in vogue. And it can help a firm’s bottom line.
Thomas Lys, James Naughton, Sunil Chopra, Dylan Minor, Alexander Chernev, Shannon Schuyler and Megan Kashner
March 1, 2018

How Much Will You Pay Today for a Better Tomorrow?
How we answer that question has the power to shape climate-change policy.
David Amdur, Donald Dale, Christopher Borick and Barry G. Rabe
April 4, 2016

Social Impact
The Case for Investing in Green Companies
Sustainably minded firms are more likely to withstand industry shake-ups.
Ravi Jagannathan, Ashwin Ravikumar and Marco Sammon
May 2, 2018

Social Impact
Rewarding CEOs for Corporate Social Responsibility Pays Off for Society—and for Firms
CSR contracting encourages executives to sacrifice short-term payoffs for long-term gains.
Dylan Minor, Bryan Hong and Caroline Flammer
February 5, 2018

Can Going Big on Eco-friendly Practices Really Pay Off?
The case for doing even more than swapping out lightbulbs.
Sunil Chopra and Pei-Ju Wu
July 1, 2016

Shh! Don’t Tell the Customers that Their Solar Panels Will Save Them Money
Green marketers should stick to a single message. But which one?
Kelly Goldsmith, George E. Newman and Ravi Dhar
May 9, 2016

Social Impact
Design Thinking Isn’t Always the Answer
The most durable solutions for social change come from within communities.
Klaus Weber
December 7, 2015

Social Impact
Pinpointing the Value in CSR
The unexpected link between CSR spending and financial performance.
Thomas Lys, James Naughton and Clare Wang
March 4, 2013
Social Impact
The Price of Pollution
How much does environmental activism affect a corporation’s bottom line?
Ion Bogdan Vasi and Brayden King
December 1, 2012
Social Impact
Being Smarter with CSR
This special issue devoted to corporate social responsibility (CSR), with articles written by our faculty, was published in conjunction with the Kellogg-Aspen Conference
Nicola Persico
March 4, 2013