Leading Productive and Innovative Teams
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Leading Productive and Innovative Teams

We are pleased to share the following collection of articles from Kellogg thought leaders about achieving productivity and innovation on your teams. This collection has been prepared especially for Kellogg Leadership Circle members who have renewed their gift.

Our faculty experts share their leadership and strategy insights on incentivizing employees, utilizing data analytics, promoting innovation and more.

hospital administrators and doctors design protocols

One Way to Create Better Workplace Incentives and Protocols: Codesign Them with Your Employees

New practices are more likely to be embraced if they aren’t dictated from the top.

meeting participants improv

Too Much Cross Talk. Too Little Creativity. How to Fix the Worst Parts of a Virtual Meeting.

Six tools from an unlikely place—improv comedy—to use on your next Zoom call.

two assembly line teams compete

To Find the Best Incentives for Employees, Start with a Simple A/B Test

Keeping people motivated can be tough. New research shows that a simple experiment can lead to big productivity gains.


Podcast: Do Bosses Who Trust Their Employees Deliver More Innovation?

On this episode of The Insightful Leader, learn when you should—and shouldn’t—give your team room to fail.

A programmer writes code while a colleague looks on, taking notes.

Take 5: How to Increase Your Office's Productivity

Research-backed tips for improving workflows and discouraging slacking.

A leader stands at a fork in the road, pointing towards one of the two paths.

Podcast: Great Leaders Ask, "What Really Matters?"

Former Fortune 500 CEO Harry Kraemer discusses how knowing and acting on your values can guide you through a crisis.