Kellogg Insight
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Powering Through the Interview

A powerful mindset can help applicants land the job

Corporate Culture—Not Lip Service—Counts

Establishing a bona fide “culture of integrity” can be costly for a corporation, but the economic returns are real

To Motivate, Better to Take Away Than to Give

The right way to frame incentives


Managing Trust in the Workplace

The perils of breaking promises to employees


When the Experts Are Biased

Do experts on committees help or hinder decision making?


Looking Good for the Regulators

Efforts to avoid regulator scrutiny come with downsides

What Big Pharma Wants in a Partner

For pharmaceutical companies looking to partner with biotech start-ups, scientist reputation and status play an important role

Finance & Accounting

A Crystal Ball for the Courtroom

A new model predicts the outcome of securities fraud class action lawsuits


When Two Products Are Less Than One

Why Bundling Can Sometimes Hurt Sales


Doing Business in the Middle East

Americans and Middle Easterners approach negotiations differently


Freed from Employment Lock

Obamacare may lead people to choose to leave the labor market.


Good Customers, Bad Reviews

Deceptive product reviews aren’t always written by the enemy—or even in anger

Everyone Loves a Generalist

Specialists are undervalued, on sports teams and in the workplace


The Risks and Rewards of Experience Abroad

Do past international investments help or hurt a company’s chances of succeeding in a new market?


Shop Online, Pick Up in Store?

The option helps companies’ sales in a surprising way


How to Win at Risk

A Q&A with Russell Walker about risk management

Social Impact

The Games Companies and Activists Play

When is corporate activism most effective?

Finance & Accounting

What Really Spurred the Great Recession?

Globalization and the U.S. dollar are as much to blame as banks.

The Coworker Network

How companies can use social networks to learn who knows what

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