Kellogg Insight
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Are Bean Counters More Selfish?

Emphasizing a “calculative mindset” encourages people to act more selfishly and less ethically when making decisions.


Finding the Right Justifiers

In B2B sales, suppliers and purchasers can work together to streamline nonstrategic purchasing for the good of both parties.


How to Achieve Focused Growth

An interview with Sanjay Khosla and Mohan Sawhney about their new book, Fewer, Bigger, Bolder.


A Fine Fiscal Balance

A conversation with Jan Eberly on sustainable fiscal policy.


More Insurers, Lower Premiums?

Evidence from U.S. health insurance marketplaces.


Bright Lights, Big Feelings

Emotional responses intensify when you turn up the lights.


Does Immigration Increase Crime?

Nationwide statistics suggest no impact on violent crime.


Parents, Listen Up! (Kids, Never Mind!)

Marketers should tout the health benefits of their food products to parents—but shouldn’t let children get wind of them.


Bonus Chapter from Roadside MBA: Profitable Growth in the Heartland

What happens when three economists hit the road in search of strategy insights from small- and medium-sized businesses?


An Interview with Mike Mazzeo about Roadside MBA

Backyard lessons for entrepreneurs, executives, and small business owners.


Excessive Expectations

How trumpeting your product as the absolute best might set you up for a fall.

Politics & Elections

Happy Voters or Happy Outcomes?

In corporations, academia, and the papal conclave, transparent voting and voter privacy interact in surprisingly complex ways.

Total Compensation

An interview about trends in CEO pay.


Cookies, Cocktails, and Charitable Giving

Remind potential donors of the luxuries they could purchase instead—and watch donations rise.

This customer may be a harbinger of new product failure

The Customers You Do Not Want

If these “harbingers of failure” love what you do, you are in trouble


The All-Star Pitcher’s Advantage

An infographic illustrating the connection between pitcher status and umpire bias.


The First Eighteen Months

An interview with Rob Wolcott about surviving as a corporate innovator


The Sluggish Multitasker

Cognitive demands aside, multitasking can be inefficient and demoralizing


Red Ink, Red-Eyed Judges, and the High Costs of Crowded Bankruptcy Courts

The timing of a bankruptcy filing shapes the verdict and has consequences for all of us


Calling a Strike a Strike

In Major League Baseball, a pitcher’s star status leads to favorable calls

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