Podcast: Got a Great Idea? Here's How to Get People on Board.
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Innovation Aug 30, 2021

Podcast: Got a Great Idea? Here’s How to Get People on Board.

On this episode: You’re going to have to do more than sell it.

Based on the research and insights of

Loran Nordgren

David Schonthal

Listening: Got a Great Idea? Here's How to Get People on Board.
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You have an innovative idea for a business strategy or a solution to an organizational problem. That’s great! So...why are people so resistant to it?

You aren’t paying enough attention to “friction,” according to Kellogg professors Loran Nordgren and David Schonthal, who authored the upcoming book The Human Element: Overcoming the Resistance That Awaits New Ideas. Frictions, they say, are the sticking points that make people less likely to adopt something new.

On this episode of The Insightful Leader, Nordgren—a professor of management and organizations—and Schonthal—a clinical professor of innovation and entrepreneurship—explain how to overcome the four types of frictions that get in the way of change.

Note: The Insightful Leader is produced for the ear and not meant to be read as a transcript. We encourage you to listen to the audio version above. However, a transcript of this episode is available here.

Featured Faculty

Professor of Management & Organizations

Clinical Professor of Strategy; Director of Entrepreneurship Programs at Kellogg; Faculty Director of the Zell Fellows Program; Director of the Levy Institute for Entrepreneurial Practice

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