Take 5: Not So Fast!
A little patience can lead to better ideas, stronger organizations, and more-ethical conduct at work.
Researchers: Swaminathan Sridharan, Daniel Barron, Michael Powell, Loran Nordgren and Benjamin F. Jones
August 10, 2023
Take 5: The Surprising Ways Emotions Shape Consumer Behavior
Companies, take note—emotions like anger, fear, and anticipation can impact what ends up in consumers’ shopping carts.
Researchers: Michal Maimaran, Gregory Carpenter, Aparna Labroo, Derek D. Rucker, Matthew D. Rocklage, Loran Nordgren and and coauthors
November 9, 2022
The Internet Is Awash in Positive Product Ratings. Here’s How to Decipher the Good from the Great.
Forget stars and numeric ratings: a review’s language offers better clues to a product’s quality and likely success.
Researchers: Matthew D. Rocklage, Derek D. Rucker and Loran Nordgren
December 1, 2021
Take 5: How to Become an Expert in Something New
Turns out, there’s a “special sauce” that can help you get there. But expertise can also come with a curse.
Researchers: Jan A. Van Mieghem, Brian Uzzi, Luis Rayo, Lu Liu, Jillian Chown, Dashun Wang, Matthew D. Rocklage, Derek D. Rucker, Loran Nordgren and Steven Franconeri
October 25, 2021
Expertise Can Be a Buzzkill
Becoming a subject-matter expert could dim your passion for the things you love.
Researchers: Matthew D. Rocklage, Derek D. Rucker and Loran Nordgren
September 1, 2021
Podcast: Got a Great Idea? Here's How to Get People on Board.
On this episode: You’re going to have to do more than sell it.
Researchers: Loran Nordgren and David Schonthal
August 30, 2021
To Sell Your Innovative Ideas, You Must Overcome These 4 “Frictions”
Simply making your idea sound attractive typically won’t cut it, according to the authors of the forthcoming book, “The Human Element.”
Researchers: Loran Nordgren and David Schonthal
June 22, 2021
Keep Brainstorming—Your Best Ideas Are Still to Come
The common (and mistaken) belief that we generate our best ideas early can actually squash creativity.
Researchers: Brian Lucas and Loran Nordgren
April 1, 2021
What Companies Can Do to Encourage Compliance with COVID Safety Measures
Tips for thinking through “friction points” and making new habits stick.
Researchers: Loran Nordgren
October 12, 2020
Take 5: Cultivating Empathy in the Workplace
What to understand about this critical, but surprisingly complex, trait.
Researchers: Maryam Kouchaki, Nour Kteily, Loran Nordgren and Brooke Vuckovic
April 8, 2019
Take 5: Fine-Tuning Your Powers of Persuasion
From understanding power dynamics to telling a memorable story, here’s how to sell your ideas.
Researchers: Loran Nordgren, Derek D. Rucker, Mitchell A. Petersen and Kent Grayson
November 7, 2018
Trying to Be Persuasive? Here’s What You Are Likely Doing.
A study of product reviews shows how our word choices change when we’re trying to sway others.
Researchers: Matthew D. Rocklage, Derek D. Rucker and Loran Nordgren
March 1, 2018
Podcast: How Music Can Change Our Mood
A Broadway songwriter and a marketing professor discuss the connection between our favorite tunes and how they make us feel.
Researchers: Derek D. Rucker, Loran Nordgren and Kris Kukul
February 10, 2018
Take 5: Make Your Big Idea a Success
Kellogg faculty share what it takes to find, foster, and sell innovation.
Researchers: Benjamin F. Jones, Mark McCareins, Pete Slawniak, Brian Eng, Jeffrey Cohen, Bryony Reich and Loran Nordgren
January 4, 2018
Take 5: How Power Dynamics Shape Our Behavior
Power—or the lack of it—impacts everything from snack choices to economic growth.
Researchers: Derek D. Rucker, Loran Nordgren, Adam Waytz, Benjamin F. Jones and Brayden King
September 7, 2017
Take 5: How to Empower Employees to Be More Creative
Creativity is a potent engine for business. Nurture it without letting office divas run the show.
Researchers: Maryam Kouchaki, Leigh Thompson, William Ocasio, Edward (Ned) Smith and Loran Nordgren
August 3, 2017
Take 5: How to Motivate Employees
Research sheds light on which employee incentives work best.
Researchers: Rongzhu Ke, Jin Li, Michael Powell, Daniel Barron, George Georgiadis, Jeroen Swinkels, Todd A. Gormley, David A. Matsa, Julia D. Hur, Loran Nordgren and Erika Deserranno
July 5, 2017
Why Warmth Is the Underappreciated Skill Leaders Need
The case for demonstrating more than just competence.
Researchers: Loran Nordgren
April 10, 2017
Take 5: How to Encourage Innovative Thinking
Kellogg faculty on what it takes to ensure your new product or great idea takes off.
Researchers: Brian Uzzi, Benjamin F. Jones, Kelly Goldsmith, Klaus Weber and Loran Nordgren
April 7, 2017
Four Tips to Persuade Others Your Idea Is a Winner
Want to shake up the status quo? Use psychology to your advantage.
Researchers: Loran Nordgren
February 3, 2017
Take 5: Tips for Maintaining Your Self-Control During the Holidays
There’s a tendency to overdo it, but Kellogg researchers offer ways to stay disciplined.
Researchers: Miguel Brendl, Rima Touré-Tillery, Loran Nordgren and Kelly Goldsmith
December 2, 2016
Do Performance Incentives Make Us Greedy?
How we are rewarded shifts our values in surprising ways.
Researchers: Julia D. Hur and Loran Nordgren
November 2, 2016
Think You’re Out of Creative Ideas? Think Again.
We downplay the importance of persistence in creative success.
Researchers: Brian J. Lucas and Loran Nordgren
March 7, 2016
I (Don’t) Feel Your Pain
Having been there does not always increase empathy.
Researchers: Rachel Ruttan, Mary Hunter-McDonnell and Loran Nordgren
October 5, 2015
October 6, 2014
Pump Up the Jams and Feel Powerful
The right background music can affect how you construe information and your willingness to take initiative.
Researchers: Dennis Hsu, Li Huang, Loran Nordgren, Derek D. Rucker and Adam D. Galinsky
August 4, 2014
For Long-Range Thinking, Imagine the Future Self
How to look beyond immediate perks
Researchers: Jean-Louis van Gelder, Hal Ersner-Hershfield and Loran Nordgren
March 3, 2014
What Constitutes Torture?
Perceptions change based on personal experience
Researchers: Loran Nordgren, Mary-Hunter Morris and George Loewenstein
May 2, 2012
Downplaying Social Pain
Snubs and rejections hurt worse than others think they do
Researchers: Loran Nordgren, Kasia Banas and Geoff McDonald
September 1, 2011
The Downside of Deliberating
Why you may not want to think it over
Researchers: Loran Nordgren and Ap Dijksterhuis
August 1, 2010
Beware the Siren’s Song
Maintain self-control by avoiding temptation
Researchers: Loran Nordgren, Joop van der Pligt and Frenk van Harreveld
August 3, 2009
Too Conscious to Decide?
Unconscious evaluation enhances complex decision making
Researchers: Ap Dijksterhuis, Maarten Bos, Loran Nordgren and Rick van Baaren
May 1, 2009