Podcast: How the Boston Marathon Bombing Created a Rorschach Test for Perceptions of Race
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Policy Jan 17, 2019

Podcast: How the Boston Marathon Bombing Created a Rorschach Test for Perceptions of Race

And how a Kellogg professor found himself unexpectedly involved in the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

A suspect has a face that looks like a Rorschach test.
Based on the research of

Nour Kteily

Sarah Cotterill

Jim Sidanius

Jennifer Sheehy-Skeffington

Robin Bergh

Listening: How the Boston Marathon Bombing Created a Rorschach Test for Perceptions of Race
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When we think people are different from us, how do we treat them? The answer to that question can sometimes be a matter of life or death.

On this episode of the Kellogg Insight podcast, we hear from Nour Kteily, a professor of management and organizations at Kellogg, about his research on social categorization.

Note: The Kellogg Insight podcast is produced for the ear, and not meant to be read as a transcript. We encourage you to listen to the audio version above. However, a transcript of this episode is available here.

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Professor of Management & Organizations

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